Tracking and Conducting Genealogy Research
Genealogy Do-Over Week 3 topics:
- Tracking Research
- Conducting Research
This week has been a bit of a surprise, not so much because of the tasks themselves, but because I realized how much information is available that needs documenting and sourcing. Even after I have proven a goal, there are still more records that I need to capture that will enhance the ‘story’ for each person. Each record is a time and place and may have clues to their life.
For example, my dad was in the Navy, so there is a boatload of documents to track and research. I have been able to trace his travels throughout his Navy career, like which ships he was on and when and where they traveled. Although I have already written his story and consequently reviewed all of these documents, taking the time to put them in the Research Log and correctly write the source citations is taking longer than expected.
I have completed many of the Research Goals I set in Week 2, however, there are still goals I have not met. I have not yet found my mothers marriage date and place to her first and third husbands. I have not found my father and mothers divorce date and place. These research tasks are all still on my ‘to-do’ list. These tasks probably never got completed because of distractions, like ‘bright and shiny objects’ or perhaps I just gave up and moved on. Now they are on my list and I will not lose sight of them.
The other things I’ve taken the time to do this week is attend two Webinars that were given by Thomas MacEntee. Time well spent.
Results of my research – Skeletons – Oh my!
Below are the Results of my Goals so far, correctly tracked, logged and sourced. There are some mysteries and skeletons surrounding my mother that are difficult to understand and I have not been able to find her in the 1940 census (which appears to be a time of transition for her).
Verify location and birth date for me. √ Done.
Verify who my parents are:

Father: Luke Erwin Doerr, b 21 Jan 1920, Wesley, Kossuth, Iowa, USA. d. 26 Mar 2009, Pasco, Franklin, Washington, USA. Buried: Eltopia, Franklin, Washington, USA.
Mother: Eleanor Alberta Marks, b 27 Jan 1908, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA. d 20 Jul 1979, McCall, Valley, Idaho, USA. Buried: Riggins, Idaho, Idaho, USA.
← picture was taken about 1953 and is one of the few family pictures I have. Mom, Dad and my brother and sister. I believe it was taken around the Redwoods in California.
Verify my parents marriage dates and locations.
- Eleanor Alberta Marks married Vincent Morris about 1926. [still searching for record].
- Eleanor Alberta Rodgers married Luke Erwin Doerr on 25 Mar 1942.
Note: This came from my parents marriage record that was in my dads possession. When I asked him if mom was married to someone else named Rodgers, he said “no, it was just someone she was living with”. He didn’t know anything else about why she was using the Rodgers name. Her age and birthplace were also incorrect on the marriage record. It is my belief that she did not want my dad to know her real age. - Luke Erwin Doerr married Margaret Ernestine Stephens Noble on 19 Jan 1963 in Eltopia, Franklin, Washington, USA. (They were happily married for 46 years.)
- Eleanor Alberta Doerr married Art Kidd about 1966
Note: I have not yet found evidence of this marriage, but I was living with her at the time. I know she brought Art home and told us they were married, but were they? She did change her name to Kidd. 🙂 [still searching for record]
Verify my parents Divorce dates and locations √:
- Vincent Morris and Eleanor Morris’ divorce was final 13 Jul 1943. (Yup, over a year AFTER she married my dad…S-k-e-l-e-t-o-n!)
- Eleanor Alberta Doerr and Luke Erwin Doerr’s divorce was 25 Aug 1960 in Benton County, Washington, USA.
- It is unknown whether Eleanor and Art Kidd divorced [Still searching for record]. It’s possible they were never married, although she kept the Kidd name for the rest of her life. It seems that it was much easier to change your name in those days.
Verify my parents children’s names and vital information. √ Done.
Verify my grandparents names √:
- Father of Luke Erwin Doerr is Theodore Peter Doerr.
- Mother of Luke Erwin Doerr is Anna Marie Kappes.
- Father of Eleanor Alberta Marks is Andrew William Marks.
- Mother of Eleanor Alberta Marks is Nina Larsen.

The Genealogy Do-Over journey is a 13 week challenge from Thomas MacEntee, of GeneaBloggers.