Securing Genealogy Research Data

Securing Research Data

Some important things that we sometimes don’t think about.  Such As:

  1. If you lost all your data, would you be able to recreate it?
  2. Would you even know where to begin?
  3. If you died today, do you know what your family would do with your research?
  4. Have you made plans to preserve your research for generations to come?


Although I do a great job of backing up my data, I have not done any estate planning relating to my research and work.  I assume that my family knows the importance, but I need to make sure and put it all in writing, talk to them, and plan out what to do with items they don’t want.

Here are the things to do:

√ Take Inventory
√ Include in estate planning
√ Have that conversation with family
√ Contact organizations you want to domate to
√ Post items online
√ Do Stuff Now

Although I think I’ve got some of this covered, I am a long way from where I need to be.  What I plan to do:

  • I use Carbonite, which is an online daily backup process. I  also have my trees online and offline.  Thomas recommends the 3-2-1 plan: 3 copies of my data, 2 different backup media and 1 offsite copy (cloud).
  • I need to continue to work on my source documention (which is an ongoing process with my Do-Over work).
  • Make provisions in my estate planning papers for the disposition of my genealogy research materials.
  • Talk to my family about what I want done with my research, including my blog, in the event of my death.
  • Continue to write my stories (even if something happened before I finish my book, my stories will be there).

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