Joseph Van Metre
Joseph Van Metre is the son of Abraham and Ruth (Hedges) Van Metre.
Born: About 1745 in Berkeley County, Virginia (now West Virginia) Colonial America.
Died: About 1782 at the age of about 37 on the Ohio River, Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), Colonial America. Went fishing and never returned.
Married: About 1764 Margaret Morgan in Frederick County, Virginia (now Berkeley County, West Virginia), Colonial America.
Find A Grave: Memorial #160867237 no body was found.
Military: Joseph began soldiering in 1758 during the French & Indian War, as we find “Jos. Vanmeter” just above “Henry Vanmeter” on a list of the Virginia Colonial Militia for Frederick County. 1758 Service: Joseph served in the Revolutionary War as a lieutenant in. Capt. Jesse Pigman’s company of the Pennsylvania Militia and was later captain of his own company. 1780 Virginia, USA.1
Note: Some webgens show Joseph was born in Maryland. Although his grandfather, John and family lived in Maryland from 1725-1735, about 1735 the family had relocated to Orange County, Virginia (now Berkeley County, West Virginia). Although some of the family stayed behind in Maryland, Abraham (Joseph’s father) was not one of them.
Margaret Morgan daughter of James and Margaret (Hedges) Morgan.
Born: About 1748 in Virginia, Colonial America.
Died: About 1789 at the age of about 41 most likely in Ohio County, Virginia, USA (now West Virginia).*
Married 2nd: About 1783 Jonah Seaman
Note: Margaret and Jonah Seaman had three children: Elizabeth Seaman(1784-1850), John Seaman (1786-1873) and Jeremiah Seaman (1787-1855).
Table of Contents

Joseph likely joined in exploring with his father, Abraham Van Metre. They, along with Abrahams brother Jacob, explored the Pennsylvania and Ohio Country in the 1760’s. Abraham acquired the land and relocated to Ohio County, Virginia (now in the northern panhandle of West Virginia) area about 1770-1772.
Jacob Van Metre (brother of Abraham and uncle of Joseph) settled on a tributary of the Monongahela River at Muddy Creek in what is now Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, where another Fort Van Meter was erected. Jacob later moved his family to what is now the state of Ohio. Whether or not Joseph joined his uncle in Pennsylvania prior to him relocating to Short Creek on the Ohio is not clear, but some accounts state that he moved his family and settled on a tributary of the Monogahela River (now in Pennsylvania) before relocating to Ohio County, Virginia.
Smyth notes that his first son, Morgan was born in Berkeley County, Virginia (now West Virginia) and his son Joseph Jr. was born in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia). Given the dates of events, I believe that all of his other children were probably born in Berkeley County, Virginia, but they could have been born in what is now Pennsylvania, if the story is true.
The following is an excerpt from A Story of a Van Metre Family by Joseph M Van Metre, 1985:3
“Joseph moved from the south bank of the Potomac River in West Virginia [Opequon Creek, Berkeley County, Virginia, (now West Virginia)] where his first son, Morgan, was born. He crossed the Allegheny Mountains, descended the Monongahela River, and settled in the forks of that river. At this point Joseph, Jr and perhaps other members of the family were born.
In 1770 Joseph, in the company of three of the Zane brothers, moved with his family to the Ohio River, where the city of Wheeling now is located. The Zane’s settled on Wheeling Creek and Joseph a few miles above on Short Creek. The men he invited to help him raise his cabin came from the settlement of Deerfield on the Miami. He made a clearing that adjoined his cabin, which was the first one for many miles around.
Van Meter Forts in Ohio County, Virginia
There were two forts named after the Van Meters in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia): Van Meter Fort, also called the Courthouse Fort and Fort Van Meter.
The following is an excerpt from “A Story of a Van Matre Family” by Joseph Van Matre:4
The number and location of the forts named for the forts named for a member of the Van Metre family have plagued historians of the Upper Ohio valley up to the present time. There are references to. a Van Metre’s Fort which Samuel McColloch commanded and a Van Metre’s Fort, also called the Court House Fort, in which the first court of Ohio County was held. There were two forts, named for a Van Metre, and excavations have begun at one of them. [1975?]
The first fort (hereafter called Van Metre’s Fort), built on land belonging to Joseph Van Metre, consisted of a blockhouse, built in 1774 as a result of Lord Dunmore’s edict to increase the number of private installations on the Virginia frontier. In 1776, a palisade wall was added by the Ohio county militia. There are no descriptions of the size of the fort or of the outbuildings which were no doubt present, ie. stables or sheds. One source mentions that the walls were twelve feet high.
The commandant of Van Metre’s fort, from 1777 until 1782 was Major Samuel McColloch, whose rank was granted at the first Ohio County Court. There exists, for instance a receipt for twelve pounds of lead dated Aug. 4, 1778, and signed by Samuel McColloch at Van Metre’s Fort. Also, after McColloch was killed by Indians on July 30, 1782, his remains were brought back to the fort and buried there.
The fort continued to be manned until about 1791, the date of the last receipt from it. Destruction took place sometime thereafter, probably by intentional burning. The hill on which the fort stood was subsequently farmed, obliterating all traces of any structures. However, because of the presence of Samuel McColloch’s grave, other members of the family, used the site as a private cemetery until the mid-1800’s. Since then, little occurred there until the D.A.R. (Daughters of the Revolution) in 1931 erected a marker to McColloch near his grave.
Although this is an abbreviated history of the site, the importance of the names and dates becomes more apparent when one investigates the other Van Metre’s Fort (called the Court House Fort.)
At the first session of the Ohio County Court (Jan 6, 1777), two men, Zacharia Spigg and Silas Hedge, esq., were empowered to buy two acres of land from Abraham Van Metre [Josephs father] of Bartley [Berkeley] County, Va. The tract of land not yet determined was located somewhere on Short creek in a place called Black’s Cabin, now West Liberty [West Virginia]. The fort there, built sometime before the Jan. 6, 1777 court had its own commandant, Streugh Leet. A receipt bears his name and is dated May 26, 1778.
Therefore, the evidence shows that two commandants for a Van Metre’s Fort existed approximately the same time, that one fort was built on land owned by Joseph Van Metre (the site of McColloch’s burial), and that the other was erected on the land bought from Abraham Van Metre, Joseph’s father. There are no instances of two commandants for the same fort, and Joseph Van Metre’s land was not near Short Creek or Black’s cabin, Thus there were two forts.

After considerable research, I’ve put together a map showing where (close to) I believe the Forts were located. The description of Joseph’s Cabin is said to be a few miles north of Wheeling.
Van Meter Fort (Courthouse Fort) was located just above Black’s Cabin within a two mile radius about where the West Liberty Cemetery is currently located, very close to Van Meter Way in West Liberty. The North Fork of Short Creek runs very close to that.
Fort Henry, another fort built at about the same time was located in Wheeling.
There are very few descriptions of where the 2nd Fort Van Metre was located, some imply it was on Joseph Van Metre’s land. Other sources state it was located just north of Clinton. Short Creek runs through just north of Clinton. Josephs land must have been in the area north of Clinton.
A Plaque that reads “Here is buried Major Samuel McColloch, who was Killed by Indians near this spot, July 30, 1782” is located on Boone and Hedges Road also North of Clinton. This is said to be the approximate location of Fort Van Meter.
Siege of Fort Henry, Oho County, Virginia 1777
Fort Henry was located about 1/4 mile from the Ohio River in what is now downtown Wheeling, West Virginia.
The following is an excerpt from the “History of Clinton County“5
In 1770, Joseph Van Meter, the elder, in company with three of the Zane brothers, removed with his family to the Ohio river, where the city of Wheeling now is. The Zane’s settled at the mouth of Wheeling Creek, while Mr. Van Meter [ Joseph] settled a few miles above, on Short Creek. Other settlements were commenced nearby soon afterward. Block houses, being works of prime necessity on the frontier at that day were erected at several places in the settlements, as some protection against the Indians, though seldom adequate when assailed by a strong party. Near to these, the settlers built their cabins, as far as convenient, such a plan being considered as some protection against surprise attacks by small parties of Indians.

In 1774, a small military work was erected under British authority, on the south bank of the Ohio River, not far above the mouth of Wheeling creek. The plan upon which it was built was said to have been drawn by the celebrated Gen. George Rogers Clark. It was called at first Fort Fincastle, the name of the county in which it was located, but, two years later, 1776, the name was changed to Ft. Henry, from the celebrated Patrick Henry, then governor of the state of Virginia. This was the only fort between Pittsburg and the south of the Great Kanawha, which was at that time considered tenable against a force of any great number. A stockade was in process of construction near West Liberty, on short creek, in September 1777, but was not yet complete when the Indians attacked Ft. Henry, late in September of that year. This stockade was intended to serve the double purpose of protecting the lives and property of the settlers and as county buildings, West Liberty at that time being the seat of justice for Ohio County.
This rude structure was named Van Meter’s fort, from Joseph Van Meter, the elder. Late in September 1777, notice was given the settlers at and in the neighborhood where Wheeling now stands that a large Indian army was collecting on the Sandusky river to march against Ft. Henry and the settlements in the neighborhood. This friendly warning is said to have been sent by the brother of the Zane’s, who had taken up his residence with the Indians, had adopted their dress and mode of living, and had married an Indian woman.
The messenger had scarcely brought the direful news to the garrison before the Indians were before the walls of the fort, under the leadership of the renegade white man, Simon Girty. [Simon Girty was an American frontiersman and one of American history’s infamous renegades, defected to the British during the Revolution and led Indian raids on his own people.]
The Indians had gone to and crossed the Ohio unperceived, though a considerable force of the most capable and experienced scouts and Indian fighters on the frontier had been sent out into the woods on the north side of the Ohio, through which the enemy was expected to come, to discover, if possible, the force of the latter, and the time at which they would probably arrive. Girty, however, succeeded in bringing his warriors before the very walls of the fort before his approach was discovered.
The force of the Indians was computed at from four to five hundred men. The entire force of the garrison and settlers was forty-two, all told, many of whom were old men and boys. During the first night after the arrival of the Indians, the settlers and their families either took shelter in the fort or were brought in.
The next morning, the Indians succeeded in killing one of the men belonging to the garrison, fourteen men, sent out in pursuit of a small party of Indians, were surrounded, twelve of them were killed and one badly wounded. Twelve volunteers from the fort were sent to the relief of the first party, but were surrounded and eight of them killed. Two or three men were severely wounded but were able to conceal themselves from the Indians, and came in or were brought in after the Indians withdrew. Not a man was killed or wounded inside the fort.
On the third day of the siege, forty mounted men from Short Creek and fourteen from Cross Creek arrived at the fort and were admitted. These timely reinforcements so discouraged the Indians that they raised the siege and engaged in killing the cattle and burning the cabins and fences of the settlers.
Two accounts are given of the part acted by Joseph Van Meter and his son, Morgan (who would have been about 12 years old at this time). One is that Joseph and his family took refuge in the fort without loss of time. The other is that father and son, on the second day of the siege, composed a part of the company of forty, who on hearing of the dangerous condition of the people and garrison in the fort, left the settlement on Short Creek, went to their relief, and were fortunate enough to be able to enter the fort without the loss of a man. Both accounts agree that Joseph and his son, Morgan, were in the fort while it was besieged by the Indians and participated in its defense. At one time during the siege, it is said, the rifles used by the men in the fort became so heated by the rapid fire as to become dangerous and, to some extent, useless, and recourse was then had to a lot of muskets, of which a sufficient number was found in the store house of the garrison. If this account be true—and it is credited in the history of the siege—it clearly shows that, if a party of the garrison was composed of old men and boys, they were at least acquainted with the use of the rifle.
Who was Simon Girty?
During the Revolutionary War, Simon Girty served as an interpreter between the British and their Native American allies. American troops considered him a traitor. Girty eventually jolined a group of renegade Native Amerians. They terrorized white settlers and peddled theri scalps to the British for $10 a piece.6
Ohio County, Virginia 1776-1780
During his later years, Joseph seems to have been very much in evidence in County Court Affairs in the newly created County of Ohio, Virignia (now West Virginia). In the year 1778, he is frequently mentioned on the Court journal as an appraiser in the estates of John McCullough, John Bukey, Francis Duke and Thomas Glenn. There was hiatus in his activity for the year 1779, but were renewed again in 1780 when he served as appraiser in Thomas Ryan’s estate; and his last appearance on the records was as a juryman in the case of DeLong vs. Snekiker, June 5, 1780.7
Joseph Van Metre's Death
The death of Joseph Van Metre was, like others of the Van Metre’s, a tragic one; the condensed substance of the circumstances traditionally current in the family is that he lost his life while crossing the Ohio River, near Tiltonville; he was last seen by a Mr. Hite, in a boat on the river and is supposed to have been either shot by the Indians, or lost his life by the capsizing of his boat. Nothing more was ever heard of him. The finding of his gun on a sand bar in the river, with his name upon it, many years afterward, only served to deepen the mystery. This event probably occurred about the year 1781. He was 37 years old at the time of his disappearance. Note: Tiltonville, Ohio is on the other side of the Ohio River, about 5 miles west of West Liberty, as the crow flies.
The inventory of Joseph Van Metre’s estate was filed in supplements between March 2, 1782, and November 19, 1784; the amount aggregated £135.5.16, as returned by Samuel McCullough, John Mitchell and John Wilson, appraiser. [United State Dollar was not the country’s standard unit of money until 2 April 1792.]
Joseph’s wife, Margaret Morgan, died in Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana in 1789. This is where their son Joseph, Jr. settled about in 1824.8
Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre Children
Morgan Van Metre changed the spelling of his surname to Van Matre as did some of his brothers. Records vary the spelling from Van Meter, Van Metre and Van Matre. In the late 1790s. Josephs sons, Joseph, Abraham, Morgan and Isaac along with a grandson, Absalom Van Metre/Matre relocated from Ohio County Virginia to Cynthiana, Harrison County, Kentucky before relocating to Hamilton County, Ohio; probably traveling down the Ohio River.
Morgan Van Matre
son of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: Oct 1765 in Berkeley County, Virginia (now West Virginia), Colonial America.
Died: 31 March 1813 at the age of 47 in Highland County, Ohio, USA.
Married: 17 Jan 1785 Mary Pierce in Wheeling, Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #160839038 burial details unknown, however it is believed his burial is currently under the SR73 Highway in Green Township, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA.
Mary Pierce daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth (Johnston) Pierce/Pearce.
Born: 11 Feb 1770 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Colonial America. [where current Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania is. Virginia also claimed this area as Augusta County, Virginia]. See my post Northern Pandhandle West Virginia for details.
Died: 9 Aug 1855 at the age of 85 in Clinton County, Ohio, USA.
Married 2nd: 1816 Capt. Nathan Kelly most lkely in Clinton County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #119633023 .
Note: Many webgens show Mary Pierces’ mother as Elizabeth Van Metre/Van Meter, which I believe to be incorrect, her mother was most likely Elizabeth Johnston, who was the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Johnston.
Mary and Nathan Kelly had a daughter: Priscilla Kelly.
Morgan and Mary (Pierce) Van Matre had ten children. Morgan is an ancestor I will follow and I’ll cover his family in a future post. (coming soon).
Abraham Van Matre
son of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: About 1766 in Berkeley County, Virginia (now West Virginia).
Died: Aug 1813 at the age of 46 in Butler County, Ohio, USA.
Married 1st: 7 Jun 1792 Mary Worley in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), USA.*
Divorced: Before 1798 Mary (Worley) Van Matre in Ohio, USA. [divorce assumed based on 2nd marriage and his first wife, Mary was mentioned in his will, so still living in 1813]
Married 2nd: About 1798 Sarah Bell in Butler County, Ohio, USA.
Military: The “Roster of men of Ohio in War of 1812” shows Abraham as a private from Butler County, Ohio, under his father-in-law, Captain Jacob Bell in 1 Regiment Mounted (Finley’s) Ohio Militia. Abraham’s service was only from September 14, 1812 to October 14, 1812 and it is probable that he died while in service. It should be noted that he made out his will on September 12 [1812], just before joining this regiment.9
Mary Worely
*Mary (Worley) Van Meter Find A Grave Memorial #102246498 shows her married to Abraham Van Meter, Memorial #102246265. This is not our Abraham, although many webgens show him as the son of Abraham. The children are also not our Abrahams. If this was an older tombstone, I’d say our Abraham was not the Abraham on the marriage record, but the tombstone appears to be newer so this leaves more questions than answers. Mary Worley was the daughter of William and Nancy Ann (Walling) Worley.
Sarah Bell
Born: About 1770 most likely in Virginia (now West Virginia), Colonial America.
Died: in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, USA.
Married. 2nd: 6 Dec 1817 William C. Logan in Mercer County, Kentucky, USA.10
Note: Many webgens and biographies show Sarah Bell as the wife of Abrahams brother William. William married Rebecca Burns, daughter of William and Johanna (Van Metre) Burns, not Sarah Bell.
Abraham Van Matre Notes
The following excerpts were taken from “Van Matre Ancestry” by Vincent M. Van Matre:11
It is believed that Abraham moved to northern Kentucky sometime in the late 1700s, about the same time as his brother Morgan. Both Morgan and Abraham have been located in Harrison County, Kentucky: Morgan’s fourth cild, James, was born there in 1795 and the Kentucky Gazette for the period 1787-1800 shows the following information on March 17, 1797: “Abraham Van Matre, Harrison County, says his wife, Mary, has left him and he won’t pay her bills anymore”. [Based on his will, where he left $1.00 to Mary and their two daughters, I would assume that she took their three children, Mary, Ann and Isaac with her and they were estranged from their father. There was no mention of Isaac.]
…his will mentions her and the following three children from that marriage: Mary (eldest daughter), Ann and Isaac who probably were born in the 1790s. Harrison County is near Highland County, Ohio, and I believe that Abraham moved there in the early 1800s. “A History of the Early Settlement of Highland County, Ohio” (Bibl. 34) shows the following:
- In 1807 the enumeration of Fairfield township listed the names of Morgan, Abraham and Absalom Van Meter (pages 145 & 146).
- In 1808, the State election was held in the Richland township and the following Van Meters voted: Absalom, Morgan and Abraham. (page 175)
- On the 17th of July, 1809, the board of commissioners held a special session in Hillsborough, to set up the township of Union. Joseph and Absalom were the first trustees of this township and Absalom the first clerk. Later, in October, a local election was held in Union township in which. Absalom, Joseph, Abraham, Morgan and Isaac Van Meter voted. (pages 182 & 183)
It is possible that the Abraham Van Matre shown in Highland County records is not my Abraham since an Abraham Van Matre is on the 1807 Butler County tax list although not shown in the 1807 Butler County census. However, note that these southwestern Ohio counties are only a few miles apart. It is definite that Abraham joined the military service while in Butler County.
Abraham married Sarah Bell sometime after 1797, possibly ca. 1802. His only child by this second marriage was Joseph Bell van Matre who was born on August 25, 1803 according to guardianship records in Butler County, Ohio. His grandfather, captain Jacob Bell, became his guardian in 1815 when Joseph was twelve years old. As an adult Joseph sometimes signed his name as Joseph Bell Van Matre; other times, merely Joseph B.
The “Roster of men of Ohio in War of 1812” shows Abraham as a private from Butler County, Ohio, under his father-in-law, Captain Jacob Bell in 1 Regiment Mounted (Finley’s) Ohio Militia. Abraham’s service was only from September 14, 1812 to October 14 1812 and it is possible that he died while in service. it should be noted that he made out wis will on September 12 [1812], just before joining this regiment.
Records show that the men of Jacob Bell’s company struggled from southern Ohio to the northern part of the state and then returned without meeting the enemy. There was a shortage of food since the quartermaster had neglected to gather sufficient provisions. Therefore, the men had to forage as they went. At one point they were so hungry they literally fell upon the raw corn in a field and devoured everything they could get their hands on. Some of the men became ill and there were a few that died – Abraham may have been one of them.
The company muster roll dated February 11, 1814 stated under Remarks: “Dead – widow lives on White Water – married to __Logan”. However, it is obvious that she was not married to a Logan at that time since on October 30, 1817, she received $18.66 from the U.S. Government for Abraham’s pay and hiring of his horse for 30 days. On the settlement document document she signed her name as Sarah Van Meter, widow of Abraham Van meter. I located marriage records that show Sarah actually married William C. (Campbell) Logan shortly thereafter – December 6, 1817 in Mercer County, Kentucky. William was the son of Hugh Logan whose brother was the famous soldier and Indian fighter, Colonel Benjamin Logan.
Land records show that on October 29, 1811, both Abraham and his son Joseph acquired 160 acres each in Wayne County, Indiana Territory. Since Joseph was only eight years old at the time, apparently Abraham was able to purchase some land in Joseph’s name. The legal description is as follows:
Abraham’s Land
160 acres. NE 1/4, Section 27, Township 15, Range 12 East.
Joseph’s Land
160 acres. SW 1/4, Section 15, Township 15, Range 12 East.
(please note that I show in the next paragraph that Abraham willed this land to his son Joseph indicating that he, not Joseph, actually owned it).
Abraham’s will was dated September 12, 1812 and was probated on Febraury 12, 1813 in Butler County, Ohio. In his will he gave his wife Sarah 160 acres in Section 27 and son Joseph 160 acres in Section 15 in Wayne County, Indiana (the land described above as purchased on October 29, 1811).
In addition to the land that Abraham gave to his wife Sarah and son Joseph, he stated….”I give and bequeath unto my nephew Joseph van Matre, son of my brother Morgan the sum of one dollar. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann and daughter of my said first wife Mary the sum of one dollar—be appointed my loving wife Sarah Van Matre and my trusty and well beloved friend the Reverend Stephen Gard executors of this my last will and testament”.
Abraham and Mary (Worely) Van Matre Children
- Mary Van Matre (1793-?)
- Ann Van Matre (1795-1843)
- Isaac Van Matre (1797-?) – was not mentioned in his fathers will dated 1812, so he might have died prior to 1812.
Abraham and Sarah (Bell) Van Matre Child
- Joseph Bell Van Matre (1803-1881) married Nancy Love.
Joseph Van Matre
son of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: About 1770 in Augusta County, Virginia / Cumberland County, Pennsylvania [both Virginia and Pennsylvania, claimed this area which is now Alleghany County, Pennsylvania], Colonial America.
Died: 3 Mar 1841 in Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
Married 1st: 1 Sep 1795 Mary “Polly” Jolly in Cynthiana, Harrison County, Kentucky, USA.
Married 2nd: Aug 1829 Tabitha (Harris) Van Matre [widow of Absalom Van Matre*] in Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #104499932 buried at Van Matre Cemetery, Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
Mary “Polly” Jolly
Born: About 1770
Died: Before 1828 at the age of about 58 in Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
Tabitha Harris daughter of Charles and Mary (Green) Harris and widow of Absalom Van Metre/Van Matre.
Born: About 1781 in Snow Hill, Worcester County, Maryland, USA.
Died: 16 Dec 1844 at the age of about 63 in Mt. Pleasant Township, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
Married 1st: 13 April 1803 Absalom Van Metre in Highland County, Ohio. Absalom is the son of Cap’t Joseph Van Metre and Elizabeth (Aikens) Van Metre. Cap’t Joseph Van Metre is the son of Henry and Martha (Moore) Van Metre. Absalom was with the brothers in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. May have been a cousin, still researching. See my post on the Henry’s Coming Soon.
Joseph and Mary (Jolly) Van Metre Children
- Margaret Van Metre (1796-1868) married John Van Metre, son of Peter and Elizebeth Van Metre. Peter was the son of Joseph and Marfaret (Morgan) VanMetre;
- John Van Metre (1800-?)
- Joseph Van Metre (1802-1893)
- Alsey Van Metre (1805-1828) married 1st: unknown Cusick; married 2nd: William Curry; married 3rd: unknown McCullough.
- David Van Metre (1805-1882), married unknown but had a son Cyrus Van Metre.
- Cynthia Van Metre (1814-1891)
- Unknown VanMetre (died at or shortly after birth?)
William Van Matre
son of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: About 1768 in Augusta County, Virginia / Cumberland County, Pennsylvania [both Virginia and Pennsylvania, claimed this area which is now Alleghany County, Pennsylvania], Colonial America.
Died: 14 Nov 1850 at the age of about 82 in Washington County, Indiana, USA.
Married: About 1790 Rebecca Burns in Kentucky, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #33495440 buried at Van Matre Cemetery, Salem, Washington County, Indiana, USA.
Note: Some Webgens show this William married to Phoebe Hart. There is a William Van Matre married to Phoebe Hart, he was the son of Jacob Van Metre and Letitia Strode. Not the same William.
Rebecca Burns daughter of William and Joanna (Van Metre) Burns.
Born: About 1770 in Kearneyville, Jefferson County, Virginia, Colonial America.
Died: Abt 1820 in Virginia at the age of about 40 in Virginia, USA.
William and Rebecca (Burns) Van Metre Children
- Joseph Burns Van Metre (1793-1873) married Jannett “Jane” M. Campbell.
- Ellsworth “Elza” Van Metre (1798-1850) married Barbara Holesapple.
- William Garrett Van Metre (1800-1881) married 1st: Martha Elizabeth Perkins; married 2nd: Elizabeth Smith.
Elizabeth Van Matre
daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: About 1775 in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), Colonial America.
Died: 1776 as an infant most likely in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), Colonial America.
Isaac Van Matre
son of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
Born: About 1778 in Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), USA.
Died: 4 Jul 1835 at the age of 33 in Chesterfield, Madison County, Kentucky, USA.
Married: 9 Mar 1797 Mary Caldwell in Kentucky, USA.
Mary Caldwell daughter of William and Mary (McCune) Caldwell.
Born: 12 Mar 1771 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA.
Died: 1840 at the age of 69 in Boone County, Indiana, USA.
Isaac and Mary (Caldwell) Van Metre Children
- Margaret Van Matre (1798-1835) married James W. Brown.
- Joseph Van Matre (1800-1879) married Nancy Dills.
- William Caldwell Van Matre (1802-1835) married Elizabeth McNeil.
- Agnes Van Matre (1804-?) married William Burr.
- Morgan Van Matre (1806-1826) married Margaret Evans.
- Sarah Van Matre (1808-1879) married Samuel Brown.
- Elizabeth Van Matre (1811-1850) married George Michael Brown.
- Isaac Van Matre (1813-1888) married Judith Cripe
- Mary Ann Van Matre (1815-1890) married Greenbury Noland.
Other Children of Joseph and Margaret (Morgan) Van Metre
The name “Ibba” shows up with John and Peter in various biographies. Maybe this is a nickname? I obtained the information from a variety of biographies and webgens. I didn’t research the dates or marriages.
- Peter Van Metre (1766-1827) married Elizabeth.
- David Van Metre (1767-1797) married Marie.
- Sarah Van Metre (1765-1827) married James Reeves.
- Margaret Mary Van Metre (?-?) married John Van Metre (son of Peter Van Metre).
- Naomi Van Metre (?-?) married Joseph Van Metre (not sure who his parents are).
- John Van Metre (1776-1827).
Citations and Attributes:
- Joseph Van Metre Military Service as noted on (Accessed 24 April 2023).
- The Ohio Country, showing present-day U.S. state boundaries. CC BY-SA 3.0,
- Van Matre, Joseph M., "A Story of a Van Matre Family", 1985.
- Van Matre, Joseph, "A Story of a van Metre Family, 1985, page 12., source: Wheelings Intelligeneer, Sat., Dec 1975 by Richard S. Klein and Alan H. Cooper.
- "History of Clinton County Ohio", Its People Industries and Institutions, edited by Albert J. Brown. 1915.
- Simon Girty (17411-1818) Burough of West View, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania website (Accessed 25 April 2023).
- Smyth, Samuel Gordon, "A Genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre Family", 1909.
- Van Matre, Vincent M.," Van Matre Ancestry", 1993.
- Van Matre, Vincent M. "Van Matre Ancestry,", 1993, page 23.
- Mercer County Kentucky Marriage Bond Bk 1817-1824, page 50 as noted in: Van Matre, Vincent M. Van Matre, "Van Matre Ancestry" 1993, page 23A.
- Van Matre, Vincent M. Van Matre, "Van Matre Ancestry" 1993, pages 22-24.
- The Ohio Country, showing present-day U.S. state boundaries. CC BY-SA 3.0,
- Fort Henry 1777-Drawing of the actual fort in Wheeling, WV. By Cavinhuntsman – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,