Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck
Juliana Emelia Mary Doerr, daughter of William and Marie Catherine (Unteriener) Doerr.
Born: 6 Nov 1881 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 22 Mar 1935 at the age of 53 in New Hampton, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.1
Married: 20 Oct 1903 Bernard “Barney” “Ben” Joseph Einck2
Find A Grave: Memorial #21306598 buried at Saint Francis deSales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa USA.
Bernard “Barney” “Ben” Joseph Einck, son of Bernhard Heinrich and Elizabeth (Lechtenberg) Einck.
Born: 21 Aug 1879 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.3
Baptized: 22 Aug 1879 at the Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church, Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 17 Aug 1971 just short of his 92nd birthday in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.4
Find A Grave: Memorial #70903209 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Bernard Joseph & Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck
Ben was 24 and Juliana was 21 when they married in 1903. Ben had a twin that died in infancy. After marriage, Ben was a dday laborer and later took up farming. After renting various farms in the Ossian, Iowa area, in about 1912, they purchased their own farm in Bloomfield Township, 3 miles north of the town of Castalia. Bloomfield Township is just east of Military Township. See the 1930 Plat Map of section 1-24 below.
By the 1940 census, Julia had passed and Ben was a widower. It appears from the census record that is son Jerome was living with his father, working on the farm. His niece, Alma Einck was living with them and taking care of the housework for a wage.
Bernard and Julia (Doerr) Einck Biography
Einck, Bernard (“Ben”) and Julia (Doerr) 5
(by Donald and Margaret Einck)
Ben Einck, son of Heinrich and Elisabeth (Lechtenberg) Einck, was born 21 Aug 1879. He had a twin who died in infancy.
Heinrich (b. 27 Sep 1831 in Legden, Prussia, Germany) married Katherine Bullerman. After a few years in Ohio they moved to the Festina area where Katherine died in 1871. Heinrich married Elisabeth Lechtenberg (b. 15 Mar 1846) 25 Dec 1872. Heinrich died 2 Apr 1911. Elisabeth died 9 Apr 1933. Both are buried at Festina.
Ben went to school a very few years near his home. He helped on his father’s farm. When he became older he walked across the field and courted his future bride, Julia Doerr. They were married 20 Oct 1903.
Ben did day labor to support his new family. Later he took up farming and rented various farms in the area around Ossian. Eventually they decided they would buy a farm. A salesman came with a car to take them around to look at farms that were for sale. This is the first time they had a ride in a car. They bought a farm 3 miles north of Castalia and moved sometime in 1912. They built a new house there and the family enjoyed their new home. Ben and Julia were the parents of 2 daughters and 3 sons: Amanda, Arthur, Irene, Frederick and Jerome.
Amanda (b. 11 Nov 1904) married Henry Schultz.
Arthur (b. 17 Feb 1907) married Mildred Wiltgen (b.24 Jul 1915). Their children were Robert, Richard and Mel. Robert married Dianna Bushman. Their children are John, Dean, Daryl and Scott. Richard married Mary Jane Bohr. Their children are Beth, Todd, Jeff and Douglas. Mel married Cindy White. Their children are Daniel, Michael and Kris.
Irene (b.24 Jun 1910) married John (Jack) Schissel. Their children are: Ardith, Kathleen, and John. Ardith married Leonard Triska. Their children are Ruth, Julia, Terri Jo, Patricia and Sandra. Kathleen married Eldon Vine. Their children are Ann, James and Kyle. John married Eunice Westby. Their children were Randall and John (died 28 Nov 1963 from Hodgkins Disease).
Frederick (b.6 May 1916) married Irene Meland. Their children are Darrel and Freddy (killed by lightning 2 Aug 1943).
Jerome (b.6 Jun 1919) married Norma Koch. Their children are Sandra, Annette, Diane and Linda.
Julia died 22 Mar 1935 and Ben died 17 Aug 1971.

Juliana (Doerr) Einck Obituary
Mrs. Ben Einck Passes Friday
The sad news reached friends and relatives here of the death of Mrs. Ben Einck at the New Hampton hospital on Friday, March 22, 1935.
Julia Doerr was born at Ossian, Iowa, November 6, 1884. She spent her entire life in this community.
She was united in marriage to Ben Einck, October 20, 1902. Five children were born to this union–Mrs. Amanda Schultz, Castalia; Mrs. Irene Schissel, Castalia; Arthur, Fred and Jerome living at home in Ossian.
Mr. and Mrs. Einck lived on their farm north of Castalia until about a year ago when they moved to Ossian on account of Mrs. Einck’s ill health, where they resided until her death.
Her life was made up of kind deeds and thoughtfulness of others. She was a loving wife and mother and will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
She is survived by her husband, five children, her aged mother, Mrs. William Doerr of Ossian; three brothers, Theodore Doerr of Britt; John Doerr of Decorah; and Joe Doerr of Ossian; sisters, Mrs. John Miller of Ossian, and Mrs. A. J. Einck of New Hampton, besides a host of friends.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from the St. Frances de Sales church at Ossian, Father Tiltgen officiating. Burial was made in the cemetery adding.
The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to the bereaved family in their sad loss.6
Ben Einck Death Notice
Ossian–Ben Einck, 91, Srvices Friday at 11, St. Francis de Sales church. Schmitz.7
Census and Records for Bernard "Ben" and Juliana (Doerr) Einck
It’s important to note that the information collected on Census records may have been provided by any of the household members and sometimes even a neighbor. Interpretation of information was up to the census taker. Spelling was often written phonetically and the handwriting sometimes difficult to transcribe.
1905 Iowa State Census, Mitilary Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa.8
- Bernard Einck, card No 142, P.O. address: Calmar, age: 25, birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Germany, Fathers birthplace: Germany, years in US: 25, Years in Iowa: 25, married, occupation: Farming, months unemployed in 1904: 4.
- Julia Enck, card No. 143, P.O. address: Calmar, age: 23, birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, married.
- Amanda Einck, card No. 144, age: 1 ½ months, birthplace: Iowa.
1917 World War I Draft Registration Card, Castalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.9
- Ben Joseph Einck, Card No. 593, permanent address: Castalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, age: 39, birthdate: Aug 21, 1879, occupation: farmer, empoyer: owner, place of employment: Castalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, nearest relative: Julia Einck, address: Castalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, height: medium, build, medium, color of eyes: blue, color of hair D. Brown. Dated: Sept 12 [assume 1917].
1910 US Federal Census, Frankville Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, S.D. No. 4, E.D. No. 153, Sheet No. 1 A & 1 B, Enumerated on 15th day of April 1910. Line No. 47, Dwelling no. 10, Family No. 10.10
- Bernard Einck, head, age: 30, married, number of years present marriage: 6, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, Native tongue: English, occupation: Farmer, can read and write, renting farm.
- Julia Einck, wife, age: 28, married, number of years present marriage: 6, number of children born: 2, number of children living: 2, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mother’s birthplace: Iowa, Native Tongue: English, occupation: none.
- Amanda Einck, daughter, age: 5, birthplace: Iowa.
- Arthur Einck, son, age: 3, birthplace: Iowa.
- Joseph B. Einck, brother, age: 23, single, birthplace: Iowa, Native Tongue: English, occupation: Farm laborer, number of weeks out of work 1909: 0, can read and write.
1920 US Federal Census, Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. S.D. No. 4, E. D. No. 153, Shee No. 6 B, enumerated on the 15th & 16th day of January 1920. Line No. 80, Farm, Dwelling No. 32, Family No. 35. 11Benjamin Einck, Head, Own Farm, Mortgaged, age: 40, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Fathers Native Tongue: German, Mothers birthplace: Germany, Mothers Native Tongue: German, can speak English: yes, occupation: farmer, industry: general, working on own account.12
- Julia Einck, wife, age: 35, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, can speak English, occupation: none.
- Amanda Einck, daughter, age: 15, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, can speak English, occupation: none.
- Arthur Einck, son, age: 12, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, can speak English, occupation: none.
- Irene Einck, daughter, age: 9, attending school, birthplace: Iowa.
- Frederick Einck, son, age: 3, birthplace: Iowa.
- Jerome Einck, son, age: 6 months, birthplace: Iowa.
1930 US Federal Census, part of Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, E.D. No. 96-2, S.D. No. 3, Sheet No. 2 A, Enumerated on April 7 & 8 1930. Line No. 31, Dwelling no. 29, Family No. 29.13
- Ben Einck, head, has radio, farm: yes, age: 50, married, age at first marriage: 24, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, occupation: farmer, industry: own farm, veteran? No.
- Julia Einck, wife, age: 48, married, age at first marriage: 22, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, occupation: none.
- Arthur Einck, son, age: 23, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: laborer, industry: farm, class of worker: wage, employment: yes, veteran? No.
- Irene Einck, daughter, age: 19, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Teacher, industry: public school, class of worker: wage, employed: yes.
- Frederick Einck, son, age: 13, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Jerome Einck, son, age: 10, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
1940 US Federal Census, Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA, S.D. No. 4, E.D. No. 96-2, Sheet No. 3 A, enumerated on April 16, 1940, line no 8, household no. 8, Own Farm, value: 2,000.14
- Ben Einck, Head, age: 60, widow, highest grade completed: 8th grade, birthplace: Iowa, residence in 1935: same house, employed: yes, hours worked week prior to census: 48, occupation: farmer, industry: own farm, working on own account, weeks worked in 1939,
- Jerome Einck, son, age: 20, single, highest grade completed: 8th grade, birthplace: Iowa, residence in 1935: rural Winneshiek County, Iowa, employed for pay: yes, hours worked week prior to census: 48, occupation: Farm Laborer, Industry: farm, class of worker: private work, weeks worked in 1939: 52, income: 240,
- Alma Einck, niece, age: 21, single, highest grade completed: 8th grade, birthplace: Iowa, residence in 1935: rural Winneshiek County, Iowa, employed for pay: yes, hours worked week prior to census: 48, occupation: maid, industry: private home, class of worker: private work, income: 208.
Bernard "Ben" Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck children
Amanda Katherine Einck, daughter of Bernard Joseph & Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck.
Born: 11 Nov 1904 in Castalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. 15
Died: 13 Apr 2007 at the age of 102 in Spencer City, Clay County, Iowa, USA.16
Married: 23 Feb 1925 Henry Schlultz, Jr. in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. 17
Find A Grave: Memorial #103340509 buried at Saint Frances de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Henry Schultz Jr. son of Wilhelm Heinrich “Henry” V. and Alvena “Vena” A. (Warnholtz) Schultz.
Born: 7 Jan 1902 in Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA. 18
Died: 27 Feb 1985 at the age of 83 at Community Memorial Hospital, Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA.19
Find A Grave: Memorial #103975076 buried at Saint Frances de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.Henry and Amanda lived most of their lives in the Castalia area. Henry worked as an electrician, carpenter and telephone lineman before becoming postmaster at Castalia in 1940. In 1942 he became rural letter carrier at Castalia, retiring from that job in December of 1966.
Henry and Amanda Katherine (Einck) Schultz Children:
Geneva Marie Schultz married Mervin Kenneth “Ken” Knudtson.
Mervin served in the U.S. Army from 10 Dec 1943 to 29 Jan 1946. WWII Purple Heart Recipient.Arthur “Art” William Schultz married Dorothy Marie Sloan.
- Lyle Henry Schultz married Elisabeth “Betsy” Louise Peirce.

- Arthur William Einck son of Bernard “Ben” Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck.
Born: 17 Feb 1907 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.20
Died: 17 Nov 1983 at the age of 76 in LaCrosse, LaCrosse County, Wisconsin, USA at LaCrosse Wisconsin Hospital.21
Married: 4 Dec 1935 Mildred Louise Mary Wiltgen in Cresco, Howard County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #103340461 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.Mildred Louise Mary Wiltgen daughter of William and Mary Anna (Uhlenhake) Wiltgen. [Note: her birth record shows her father as William Andrew, several of her siblings birth records show father as William L., most ancestry sites show her father as William Leo.]
Born: 24 Jul 1915 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.22
Died: 19 Apr 1996 at the age of 80 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.23
Find A Grave: Memorial #62135033 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek
Arthur William and Mildred Louise Mary (Wiltgen) Einck Children:
- Robert Joseph Einck maaried Dianna Janet Bushman
– - Richard “Dick” Bernard Einck
Born: 31 Jul 1937 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.24
Died: 24 Mar 2020 at the age of 82 in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa, USA. 25
Married: Mary Jane Bohr daughter of Clement J and Mary M (Hageman) Bohr.
Find A Grave: Memorial #208459003 cremated.
Dick worked as a carpenter for Rinderknecht Associates and was a member of Carpenters Union Local 308. He was a parishioner of st. Jude Parish, where he was an integral member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee in addition to his involvement with the sweet Corn Festival for many years. He served in the United States Army from 1955 to 1958.
– - Mel Francis Einck
Born: 14 Mar 1946 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 20 Apr 2007 at the age of 61 in Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA.26
Married: 30 Oct 1965 Cindy Sue White, daughter of Donald and Mary Ella (Pearson) White, at St. Francis de Sales Catholic church, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.27
Find A Grave: Memorial #19047228 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
–Mel attended De Vry Technical School in Chicago for one year before entery the U.S. Army in November of 1965 and was discharged in December of 1967. Mel and Cindy lived in Aberdeen, Maryland for three months and then in Paso Robles, California until December of 1967, when Mel was discharged from the Army. They lived in Ossian, Iowa for a short time and moved to Postville in May 1969. Mel had been employed by Allamakee-Clayto Electric Cooperative in Postville from October 1968,until his death.
- Robert Joseph Einck maaried Dianna Janet Bushman

- Irene Elizabeth Einck daughter of Bernard “Ben” Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr Einck.
Born: 24 June 1910 in Cstalia, Winneshiek County Iowa, USA.28
Died: 11 Sep 2007 at the age of 97 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.29
Married: 2 Jun 1930 John “Jack” William Schissel, son of Joseph John and Staphina (Funke) Schissel.30
Find A Grave: Memorial #78231113 buried at Saint Benedict Cemetery, Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.John “Jack” William and Irene Elizabeth (Einck) Schissel Children:
- Ardith Mary Schissel
Born: 4 Jan 1932 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 9 Aug 2020 at the age of 88 in LaCrosse, LaCrosse County, Wisconsin, USA.31
Married: 20 Jun 1949 Leonard Valentine Triska, son of Albert and Rose (Havel) Triska, at St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #214292796 buried at Saint Benedict Cemetery, Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.–
Ardith and Leonard farmed southwest of Decorah. In 1979, they moved to Decorah. In 1980, Ardith went to work for the Decorah Community School District helping in the lunch program for 12 1/2 years. She was a member of st. Wenceslaus Caatholic Church while in the Spillville area and then a member of St. Benedict Catholic Church. She did volunteer work for St. Benedict Catholic Church and was a member of CDA. She also volunteered at Eastern Star and the Aase Haugen Nursing Home.
– - Kathleen June Schissel married Eldon Charles Vine.
– - John “Jack” William Schissel Jr.
Born: 3 May 1940 in Calmar, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.32
Died: 28 Nov 1963 at the age of 23 after a long illness of Hodgkins Disease in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.33
Married: 7 Nov 1959 Eunice Ann Westby daughter of Carl and Rachel (Nash) Westby. Eunice 2nd married Robert Denk 12 Jun 1965 and had two children with him.
Find A Grave: Memorial #78231162 buried at Saint Benedict Cemetery, Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
–John “Jack” William and Eunic Ann (Westby) Schissel child:
- Randall John Schissel married Dawn Neyers
- Randall John Schissel married Dawn Neyers
- Fred Schissel
Born: About 1942 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: Before 1945 in infancy.
- Ardith Mary Schissel

- Frederick Einck son of Bernard “Ben” Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck.
Born: 1913 in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa,USA.
Died: 1913 in infancy in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
- Frederick Theodore Einck son of Bernard “Ben” Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck.
Born: 6 May 1916 in Catalia, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.34
Died: 2 Aug 1943 at the age of 27 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.35
Married: 30 May 1936 Irene Louise Meland daughter of Peter O. and Mabel (Meyer) Meland in Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA. Irene 2nd married Lloyd Glover Sloan, Sr.
Fred was killed by lightning while assisting with threshing operations at the age of 27. The following two newspaper clippings provide details of the incident.
Farmer Killed By Lightning 36
Five Other Workmen Felled by Discharge
DECORAH — Frederick Einck, 30, of Decorah was struck and killed by lightning at the Wes Wicks farm near Burr Oak, at about 3 o’clock Monday afternoon.
When rain halted threshing operations, Mr. Einck, Robert Carolan, Wes Wicks, and Nathan Thompson went to the hoghouse to keep out of the rain. Charles Vine, 18, and Curtis Marlow, were standing in a nearby barn.
When the bolt of lightning came which killed Einck, the other five men were knocked down by the discharge. Apparently Einck was struck in the back of the neck. Red marks ran down his neck back of both ears. Death was instantaneous. Robert Carolan lost consciousness but was revived in a few minutes and ha been instructed to spend a couple of days in bed.
One hog was killed by the holt and the windows in the hog house were broken.
Einck is survived by his wife and one son. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
Leaves Widow and One Child;
Another Member of Crew Shocked.
(courier Special Service)
Decorah, Ia — Fred Einck, 27, of Decorah, was killed Monday afternoon by lightning while threshing at the Wesley Wicks farm north of Decorah.
Halted by rain, the crew had taken shelter under the eaves of a hog house when the bolt struck.
Of the four other men in the crew, Robert Carolan of Decorah, received the worst shock. He will recover.
Young Einck had been employed here as carpenter by John Doerr of Decorah, and was working temporarily with the threshing crew. He came here seven yers ago.
He is survived by his widow the former Irene Meland, of near Ossian; one child; his father, Ben Einck, Ossian; two brother, Arthur, Ossian, and Jerome, Camp Waarren, Wyo.; and two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Schultz, Castalia, and Mrs. Irene Schissel, Calmer.
The body was brought to a decorah funeral home.
Frederick Theodore and Irene Louise (Meland) Einck Child:
- Darryl John Einck
Born: 28 Jul 1940 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 13 May 2005 at the age of 64 in Drain, Douglas County, Oregon, USA.38Married 1st: 18 Nov 1961 Norine Diane Robert in San Mateo County, California, USA.
Divorced: Apr 1971 Norine Diane (Roberts) Einck in Santa Clara County, California, USA.
Married 2nd: 17 May 1986 Maydean Pitts Oroville, Butte County, California, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #70903341 buried at Sain Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.In 1943 Darryl was saved from drowning by two City engineer workers: Charles Alefililach and Hjalmar Carlson.
Darryl joined the U.S.M.C. in 1957 until 1963. He received a Good Conduct Medal from the Marine Corps.He worked as a hardware clerk.
Darryl John and Norine Diane (Roberts) Einck Children:
- Frederick Theodore Einck married Laurel Hawman
- Richard Einck
Born: 11 Sep 1964 in Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, USA.
Died: 11 Sep 1964 in Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, USA. - Wendy Lue Einck married Frank Torres II.
- Darryl John Einck
- Jerome Joseph Einck son of Bernard “Ben” Joseph and Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr Einck.
Born: 6 Jun 1919 in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.39
Died: 28 Feb 2020 at the age of 100 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Married: 26 Feb 1946 Norma Audrey Koch in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa.
Find A Grave: Memorial # 207520613 buried at Saint Benedict Cemetery, Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.The following link will take you to a post that his granddaughter, Kendra, posted on her blog. It’s a great post about him and his life: World War II Veteren, Jerome J. Einck, Celebrates His 100th Birthday on June 6, the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
Jerome Joseph and Norma Audrey (Koch) Einck Children:
- Sandra Susan Einck married Vernon Lambert Thuente.
- Annette Marie Einck married 1st Kenneth David Bohr, married 2nd: Karl Francis Wiltgen.
- Dianne Louise Einck married Richard Dean Trytten.
- Lynda Kay Einck married William Ludwig.

- Juliana “Julie” Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck Obituary “Mrs. Ben Einck Passes Friday”, Postville Herald (Postville, Iowa) 28 Mar 1935, Thu, p 6, retrieved from newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/image/4961779/?terms=Einck (Accessed 27 Jul 2019).
- Barney Einck and Julia Doerr Marriage -“Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KCWC-T83 : 25 September 2017), Barney Einck and Julia Doerr, 20 Oct 1903, Ossian, Winnesheik, Iowa, United States; citing reference 367, county courthouses, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,662
- Iowa, Delayed Birth Records, 1850-1939,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q246-X3W9 : accessed 1 April 2020), Bernard Joseph Einck, 21 Aug 1879, Festina, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing reference ID 203959, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines; FamilySearch digital folder 101713793.
- “Iowa, Delayed Birth Records, 1850-1939,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q246-X3W9 : accessed 1 April 2020), Bernard Joseph Einck, 21 Aug 1879, Festina, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing reference ID 203959, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines; FamilySearch digital folder 101713793.
- Bernard “Ben” and Julia (Doerr) Einck Biography, “Einck, Bernard (“Ben”) and Julia (Doerr), retrieved from iagenweb.org at http://iagenweb.org/winneshiek/Bios/WB1996/E/Web_HTML/Page005.htm (Accessed 27 Jul 2019).
- Juliana “Julie” Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck Obituary “Mrs. Ben Einck Passes Friday”, Postville Herald (Postville, Iowa) 28 Mar 1935, Thu, p 6, retrieved from newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/image/4961779/?terms=Einck (Accessed 27 Jul 2019).
- Ben Einck Death, The Gazette Cedar Rapids, Iowa 18 Aug 1971, Wed • Page 3, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/47848411/ben-einck-death/ (Accessed 2 Apr 2020).
- 1905 Iowa State Census-Bernard Einck-“Iowa State Census, 1905,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:23BT-4GF : 16 March 2018), Bernard Einck, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing card #142, State Historical Department, Des Moines; FHL microfilm 1,430,684.
- Ben Joseph Einck WWI Draft Registration card-“United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918”, database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KZ2L-4S4 : 25 August 2019), Ben Joseph Einch, 1917-1918.
- Bernard Einck-“United States Census, 1910,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MG95-325 : accessed 2 April 2020), Bernard Einck, Frankville, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 153, sheet 1A, family 10, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 428; FHL microfilm 1,374,441.
- Benjamin Einck-“United States Census, 1920,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MDMB-DN7 : accessed 2 April 2020), Benjamin Einck, Bloomfield, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing ED 153, sheet 6B, line 80, family 135, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 519; FHL microfilm 1,820,519.
- Benjamin Einck-“United States Census, 1920,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MDMB-DN7 : accessed 2 April 2020), Benjamin Einck, Bloomfield, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing ED 153, sheet 6B, line 80, family 135, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 519; FHL microfilm 1,820,519.
- Ben Einck-“United States Census, 1930,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XMKD-T2Q : accessed 2 April 2020), Ben Einck, Bloomfield, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 2, sheet 2A, line 31, family 29, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 688; FHL microfilm 2,340,423.
- Ben Einck-“United States Census, 1940,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KM1D-KP6 : 20 August 2019), Ben Einck, Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 96-2, sheet 3A, line 8, family 38, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 1213.
- Amanda Katherine Einck-“Iowa, Delayed Birth Records, 1850-1939,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q246-KKG9 : accessed 2 April 2020), Amanda Katherine Einck, 11 Nov 1904, Military Township, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing reference ID 304769, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines; FamilySearch digital folder 101715028.
- Amanda K. Schultz-“United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JBZB-53T : 19 May 2014), Amanda K Schultz, 13 Apr 2007; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
- Henry Schultz and Amanda Einck Marriage-“Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VJPZ-K2S : 4 November 2017), Henry Schultz and Amanda Einck, 23 Feb 1925, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing reference , county courthouses, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,480,690.
- Henry Schultz-“Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVCT-46J : 1 April 2020), Henry Schultz, 7 Jan 1902; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,656.
- Henry Schultz-“United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J5W9-SP5 : 20 May 2014), Henry Schultz, Feb 1985; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
- Arthur William Einck “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTX-58B : 1 April 2020), Arthur William Einck, 17 Feb 1907; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,656.
- Arthur Einck “United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:JLL6-1PV : 19 May 2014), Arthur Einck, Nov 1983; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
- Mildred Louisa Wiltgen “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTC-Y6M : 1 April 2020), Mildred Louisa Wiltgen, 24 Jul 1915; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418.
- Mildred L Einck “United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V3XF-P5Q : 20 May 2014), Mildred L Einck, 19 Apr 1996; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
- Richard Bernard Einck Birth, “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTC-6K2 : 1 April 2020), Arthur Einck in entry for Richard Bernard Einck, 31 Jul 1937; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418. (Accessed 28 Mar 2022).
- Richard Bernard Einck Obiturary, “Richard “Dick” B. Einck”, Teahen Funeral Home, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, retrieved from their website at https://www.teahenfuneralhome.com/obituary/richard-einck (Accessed 28 Mar 2022).
- Mel Francis Einck Obituary retrieved from FindAGrave.com online at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/19047228/mel-francis-einck (Accessed 7 Aug 2019).
- Cindy White and Mel Francis Einck Marriage, The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 31 Oct 1965, Sun, p56, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/34647991/cindy-sue-white-einck-wedding-announce/ (Accessed 7 Aug 2019).
- Irene E. Einck “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVCT-XLB : 1 April 2020), Irene E. Einck, 24 Jun 1910; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,656.
- Irene E Schissel “United States Social Security Death Index,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J5LK-5ZD : 20 May 2014), Irene E Schissel, 11 Sep 2007; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).
- Irene E. Einck and John W. Schissel Marriage-Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1940 for Irene E. Einck and John W. Schissel, 2 Jun 1930 at St. Francis Church, Ossian IA. Ancestry.com Operations, published 2014, Provo, UT, USA. http://www.Ancesstry.com.
- Ardith Mary (Schissel) Triska Obituary “Ardith Triska” retrieved from Schluter-Balik Funeral Home & Cremation Service website at https://www.schluterbalikfuneralhome.com/obituary/ardith-triska (Accessed 18 Aug 2020).
- ohn William Schissel Jr Birth, “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q23C-DGQ7 : 1 April 2020), Irene Einck in entry for John William Jr Schissel, 3 May 1940; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418. (Accessed 29 Mar 2022).
- John “Jack” William Schissel Obituary, “Jack Schissel”, clipping posted to ancestry.com by Loren Brandt on 17 Jan 2017. Source not noted. (Accessed 29 Mar 2022).
- Fred Theodore Einck “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVX8-YYD : 1 April 2020), Fred Theodore Einck, 6 May 1916; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418.
- Frederick T. Einck Obituary, Postville Herald, Postville, Iowa, 4 Aug 1943, Wed, p1, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/47862095/funeral-for-frederick-t-einck/ (Accessed 2 Apr 2020).
- Fred Einck-Killed by Lighting, The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 3 Aug 1943, Tue, p5, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/34686992/fred-einck-killed-by-lightning-august-2/ (Accessed 8 Aug 2019).
- Fred Einck-Farmer Killed by Lightning, Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, 3 Aug 1943, Tue, p4, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/47862297/farmer-killed-by-lightning/ (Accessed 2 Apr 2020).
- Darryl J. Einck Obituary, retrieved from GenLookups.com, Obituary and Death Notice Archives, Oregon Obituary and death Notice Archive at https://www.genlookups.com/or/webbbs_config.pl/noframes/read/329 (Accessed 29 Mar 2022).
- Jerome Joseph Einck-“Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTZ-DCH : 1 April 2020), Jerome Joseph Einck, 6 Jun 1919; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418