Descendants of Ludwig Dörr Introduction
The following posts are genealogies, obituaries and family stories of the descendants of Ludwig Dörr, my first known Dörr ancestor and histories of the places they settled.
Ludwig Dörr was born about 1615 in Rüdigheim, Amöneburg, Mainz, Prussia, Holy Roman Empire (now Rüdegheim, Amöneburg, Giessen, Marburg-Biedenkopf, Hesse, Germany). He is my 8th great grandfather.
Our first several generations of Dörr ancestors appear to have lived in two specific locations: Rüdigheim (a community now in municipal territory of Amöneburg) and Niederklein (a community now in the municipal territory of Stradtallendorf).
Some genealogies show the birthplace of Ludwig Dörr to be Kirchhain. This is not correct according to Harald Dörr, currently of Niederklein. Although Rüdigheim is only about 6 miles south of Kirchhain, during Ludwigs time, the communities were separated by the controlling Landgravate as well as religion. Rüdigheim is Catholic and was owned by the Archbishops of Mainz during his lifetime. Kirchhain was Lutheran and belonged to the Landgraviates of Hesse. Time and again, the Hessians and Mainzers came to blows over who had ascendancy over these lands.
These three communities are within 6 miles or so of each other. Kirchhain is about 9 miles (14.5 km) east of Marburg, the capital of the current Marburg- Biedenkopf district; about 4 miles (6.6 km) northwest of Niederklein; and 3 ¾ miles (6.0 km) north of Rüdigheim. Rüdigheim and Niederklein are a bit over 2 miles (3.6 km) from each other.
Kirchhain, Rüdigheim and Niederklein are located in what is now the country of Germany, state of Hesse(n), district of Marburg-Biedenkopf. The Place Names changed throughout time, and you may find provinces/states named Hesse (Hessen), Hesse-Cassel / Hesse-Kassel), Hesse-Nassau (aka: HeNas) and Hesse-Marburg referred to in various documents and histories.

Author Comments
I have obtained information from many sources and will footnote as appropriate, however much of the information was retrieved from family stories, family trees and webgens. When I have comments or see corrections are needed when quoting other sources, I will place them in brackets [like this]. If you see errors or would like to provide additional information your comments and suggestion are welcome.
Calendar Changes
The Julian calendar that was in use several hundred years ago, used March 25th as the beginning of a new year. Because the Julian calendar appeared to be ‘out of sync’ with the seasons, a new Gregorian calendar was put in place by order of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Although Catholic states adopted the calendar in 1582, other countries and jurisdictions did not adopt it until much later. For more details see my post: When was the Julian calendar changed to the Gregorian calendar?).
I have used the dates given in the documents and information that I have received and have not attempted to determine which calendar was in use.
German Spelling
German Special Characters
German names containing umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and/or eszett (ß), may be converted to ae, oe, ue and/or ss. For example, Müller becomes Mueller, Weiß becomes Weiss, and Gößmann becomes Goessmann. This transcription is generally used for aircraft tickets et cetera, but sometimes (like in US visas) simple vowels are used. (Muller, Gossmann). When emigrating to America, many names were “anglicized” by making these changes, eliminating those pesky special characters. Dörr became Dorr, Derr and Doerr, Müller became Mueller, etc.
German naming law accepts umlauts and/or eszett in family names as a reason for an official name change. Even spelling changes from Müller to Mueller or from Weiß to Weiss is regarded as a name change in Germany. In 2017 the German Spelling Council decided to add a capital ß. Now, instead of using SS to capitalize the Eszett, Germans should use ẞ.
Note: The eszett “ß” has an S sound not a B sound. Some authors have assumed the ß is a b, but it is not. Typically it is converted to ss as in Weiss.
Spelling and Pronunciation of Doerr:
The spelling of the name Doerr, has been spelled this way since the late 19th century, from the German Dörr, dropping the umlaut and adding an e. However, early documents also show the spelling as Dorr and Derr. I do not know how it was pronounced in German. My family pronounces the name “Door”, but an Iowa cousin told me they pronounce it “Deer”.
In Order Written
- Descendants of Ludwig Dörr Introduction
- Germany & Holy Roman Empire History Timeline
- Kirchhain, Hesse, Germany
- Ludwig Dörr Family
- Thirty Years War
- Rüdigheim, Amöneburg, Marburg-Biedenkopf, Hesse, Germany
- Conrad Dörr Family
- Urban Dörr Family
- Johannes Heinrich Dörr Family
- Christoph Dörr Family
- Wars Impacting Germany 1740-1763
- Niederklein, Stradtallendorf, Germany
- Johann Adam Dörr Family
- Elizabeth Dörr Ruehl Family
- Wilhelm and Anna (Drufner) Doerr
- Wilhelm Doerr and Anna (Drufner) Doerr Family
- Christian Doerr
- Mary Josephine Ruehl and Samuel Caperton Johnston Family
- Henry John Ruehl II Family
- Township and Precinct Maps
- History of Iowa
- Winneshiek County Iowa History
- Washington Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa
- Festina and Old Mission, Washington Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa
- St. Mary’s – Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church – Festina
- St. Anthony of Padua – Smallest Church
- Ossian and Military Township, Iowa
- Joseph and Helena Doerr Imoehl Family
- William and Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr Family
- Theodore and Julia Pauline Doerr Uhlenhake Family
- Harrison Victor Johnston Family
- Elizabeth Henrietta Johnston and Frank George Bernard Family
- Violet Hildred Johnston and Tilmer S Peterson Family
- Harry John Ruehl
- Marie K Ruehl Tobin and George Tobin Sr. Family
- Anna Catherine Imoehl and Peter Dohm Family
- St. James, Wynot, Nebraska and Brookey Bottom
- Joseph Imoehl and Anna Reifenrath Imoehl Family
- Emelia Mary Imoehl and Frank Joseph Hemesath Family
- John Henry Imoehl and Anna Dietzenbach Imoehl Family
- Gerlach and Mary (Schmidt) Reifenrath Family
- Julia Helen (Imoehl) Reifenrath and John Gerlach Reifenrath Family
- Helena Victoria (Imoehl) and Louis Frank Burbach
- Mary Catherine (Imoehl) and Fredrich J. Hagemann
- Frank Theodore and Angela Maria (Hagemann) Imoehl
- Rosalie Juliana Imoehl and Nicholas Hageman
- Juliana Emelia Mary (Doerr) Einck
- Theodore and Anna (Kappes) Doerr Family
- Elizabeth Mary Katherine (Doerr) Einck
- Joseph Sylvester Doerr
- Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
- John Emil Bernard Doerr