Carnival Price - Dover, England Cruise Day!

Sunday, June 19th we docked in Dover, Engand. Today is the first day of our 4th cruise and this cruise we went from Carnival Gold to Platinum status. YAY!!

We did not have to go through customs since we embarked from Dover originally. We just went through the long line to get our new cards, pictures taken and glass of champagne, a process that Carnival made pretty easy. Later in the day we again received a bottle of champagne and fruit dish for being back to back cruisers.  

We did not leave the ship today, instead we had a relaxing day on the ship.  Weather was cool and Cloudy.

Pic of gold to platinum cards
We went from Carnival gold to Platinum status on this cruise!! YAY!

Baltic Cruise Itinerary

The following is this cruises itinerary:

  • 19 June – Day 1  – Dover, England
  • 20 June – Day 2  – IJmuiden / Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 21 June – Day 3  – Sea Day
  • 22 June – Day 4  – Sea Day
  • 23 June – Day 5  – Nynashamn / Stockholm, Sweden
  • 24 June – Day 6  – Sea Day
  • 25 June – Day 7  – Helsinki, Finland
  • 26 June – Day 8  – Visby, Sweden
  • 27 June – Day 9  – Warnemunde / Rostock, Germany
  • 28 June – Day 10 – Kiel, Germany
  • 29 June – Day 11 – Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 30 June – Day 12 – Sea Day
  • 1 July – Debarkation Day, Dover, England
Map showing Baltic Sea Cruise Destinations
Pat & John Burns B2B Cruise Photo

Dover, England Cruise Day Photos

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The family Information was retrieved from a variety of family trees, webgens and family stories. I will note citations as appropriate and hope the information assists you in your research, but please do not use this as proven evidence. Feedback is welcome!

Pat Burns. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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