Emelia Mary Imoehl and Frank Joseph Hemesath Family

Emelia Mary Imoehl daughter of Joseph and Helena (Doerr) Imoehl
- born: 08 Aug 1875 in Festina, Winnieshiek County, Iowa, USA
- died: 02 Nov 1954 at the age of 79 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA.
- married: 15 May 1900 Frank Joseph Hemesath in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.1
Frank Joseph Hemesath son of Henry and Catherine (Freulinghaus) Hemesath
- born on 29 Sep 1874 in Ossian, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
- died: 22 Jun 1956 at the age of 81 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA.
Frank and Emilia Hemesath are both buried at Holy Angels Cemetery in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorials #84259405 and #84259400.
Following are records and stories that give us a glimpse into their lives:
Frank Joseph Hemesath WWI Draft Registration Card
1918 WWI Draft Registration Card for Frank:2
- Dated September 5, 1918: Frank J. Hemesath, R 1, Ossian, Iowa, age: 43, birthdate: Septermber 29, 1874, White, Citizen, Native Born, occupation: Farming, Employer name: Myself, Place of employment: Ossian, Iowa, Nearest relative: Mrs. Emelia Hemesath, R1, Ossian, Iowa. Description of Registrant: tall, medium build, blue eyes, brown hair, no physical issues to disqualify.
Emilia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath Biography
Emilia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath Biography3
Emilia was born to William and Helen Doerr at Festina, Iowa. She was the second oldest in a family of six brothers and six sisters. Since she was one of the oldest, she helped to care for her sisters and brothers and helper her mother with the housework, learning to cook, sew, knit and do needlepoint. She was married to Frank on May 15, 1900 at Ossian, Iowa. They lived in Ossian, Iowa for nineteen years. During this time 10 children were born: Catherine, Anna, Clara, Louis, Joseph, Amailia, Edward, Aloysius, Frank and Rose.
They moved to South Dakota setting about three miles northwest of Presho. on March 13, 1919. Here another daughter Helen was born.
Frank Joseph Hemesath Biography
Frank Joseph Hemesath Biography4
Frank was born to Henry and Catherine Hemesath of Ossian, Iowa. He was the youngest of six boys and two girls. As he grew older, he grew fond of music. He and tow [two] of his brothers formed a band and played for dances, concerts and celebrations. And through this playing he met the girl he married on May 15, 1900.
Frank Hemesath First Prize for Amber Durum Wheat
Frank Hemesath First Prize for Amber Durum Wheat5
Presho, S. D.––A Lyman county wheat contest sponsored by the Presho Farmers and Merchants State Bank to find which variety of wheat is the most profitable and adaptable to this region has terminated, giving a first prize of $15 each to Frank Hemesath for amber durum and to LeRoy Morris for hard spring wheat. Both men are Presho farmers. In the hard spring classification Morris had a $15.50 gross return per acre and Hemesath’s gross return for amber durum was $12. Second prizes went to Herb Miller, Kennebec, and H. B. Ehlers. Presho, while third place winners were Pete Dolly, Presho, and Tim Cronin, Vivian.
Frank and Emelie Hemesath Census Records
Census records can be a great resource for genealogy research. It’s important to note however that the information collected may have been provided by any of the household members and sometimes even a neighbor. Especially in the early days, our ancestors had strong accents, so the information was up to the census taker for interpretation. Spelling was often written phonetically and the handwriting sometimes difficult to transcribe.
1900 US Federal Census, district 138, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Supervisor’s District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 138, Sheet No. 11 A, enumerated on 18th day of June, 1900.
- Frank Hemesath, head, birth month/year: Sep 1974, age: 25, married: 0 years [this census was taken about a month after their marriage], birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, occupation: Farmer, can read, write and speak english, Own, Farm, mortgaged.
- Amelie, wife, birth month/year: Aug 1875, married: 0 years, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Pennsylvania, can read, write and speak english.
1910 US Federal Census, District 161, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, supervisor’s District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 161, Sheet No. 12 A, enumerated on 29th day of March and 1st day of April, 1910.
- Frank Hemesath, head, age: 35, married 9 years, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, Occupation: farmer, Industry: general farm, can read and write, owns Farm Free of mortgage.
- Amilia Hemesath, wife, age: 34, married 9 years, number of children born: 7, number of children living: 7, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, occupation: laborer, industry: general farm, can read and write.
- Katie Hemesath, daughter, age: 8, birthplace: Iowa, can read and write, attending school.
- Anna Hemesath, daughter, age: 7, birthplace: Iowa, can read and write.
- Clara Hemesath, daughter, age: 6, birthplace: Iowa.
- Louis Hemesath, son, age: 5, birthplace: Iowa.
- Herman Hemesath, son, age: 3 birthplace: Iowa.
- Emilia Hemesath, daughter, age: 2, birthplace: Iowa.
- Edward Hemesath, son, age 10 months, birthplace: Iowa.
1920 US Federal Census, District 127, Pesho, Lyman County, South Dakota, Supervisors District No. 3, Enumeration District No 127, Sheet No. 10 A, enumerated on the 9th day of August 1920.
- Frank Hemesath, Farm, head, own Farm, mortgaged, age: 45, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, occupation Farmer, industry: General Farm, on own account.
- Emelia Hemesath, wife, age: 45, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, occupation: none.
- Katie Hemesath, daughter, age: 19, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa
- Annie Hemesath, daughter, age: 18, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Clara Hemesath, daughter, age: 17, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Lewis Hemesath, son, age: 16, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Joseph Hemesath, son, age: 14, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Emilia Hemesath, daughter, age: 12, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Edward Hemesath, son, age: 11, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Aloysius Hemesath, son, age: 8, attending school, birthplace: Iowa.
- Frank Hemesath, son, age: 5, birthplace: Iowa.
- Rosie Hemesath, daughter, age: 3, birthplace: Iowa.
- Helen Hemesath, daughter, age: 11 months, birthplace: South Dakota
1930 US Federal Census, District 28, Presho Township (J105-R77) excluding Presho City, Lyman County, South Dakota, Enumeration District No. 43-28, Supervisor’s District No. 2, Sheet No. 1 A & 1B. Enumerated on April 21, 1930.
- Frank J. Hemesath, head, own farm, age: 55 married, age married first: 25, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, occupation: Farmer, industry: General Farm, working on own account, veteran? No.
- Emelia Hemesath, wife, age: 54, married, age at first marriage: 24, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Iowa.
- Anna Hemesath, daughter, age: 27, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: General farm, employed.
- Clara Hemesath, daughter, age: 26, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation, Laborer, industry: General Farm, employed.
- Louis Hemesath, son, age: 24, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: laborer, industry: General Farm, employed, veteran? no.
- Joseph Hemesath, son, age: 22, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation, laborer, industry: General Farm, employed, veteran? no.
- Edward Hemesath, son, age: 20, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: General Farm, employed, veteran? no.
- Aloysius Hemesath, son, age: 18, single, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: General Farm, employed.
- Frank Hemesath, son, age: 16, single, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Rose Hemesath, daughter, age: 14, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- Helen Hemesath, daughter, age: 11, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: South Dakota
1945 South Dakota State Cenus, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota
- Frank Hemeseth [Hemesath], age: 66, spouse: Emelia
Frank and Emelia (Imoehl) Hemesath Children
- Catherine “Katie” Mary Hemesath daughter of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 26 Jun 1901 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 21 Sep 2001 at the age of 100 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. She married Henry William Brodrecht Jr. on 08 Jan 1924 in Presho, Lyman, South Dakota, USA. He was born on 08 Jan 1898 in Guilford Township, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, USA. He died on 06 Sep 1990 at the age of 92 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. I will follow Catherine and Henry in a separate post.
– - Anna Helen Hemesath daughter of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 06 Oct 1902 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 13 Jul 2006 at the age of 103 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
Anna is buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorial #84330406.
Anna Helen Hemesath Obituary
Anna Helen Hemesath 6
October 06, 1902 – July 13, 2006
Anna Helen Hemesath 103 years old 9 months 7 days passed away July 13, 2006 at Maryhouse, Pierre, S.D. Visitation will be held from 5:00-6:00 pm, Sunday, July 16, 2006 at the Maryhouse Chapel in Pierre with a 6:00 pm Wake/Rosary Service. Funeral Services will be held at 10:30 am, Monday, July 17, 2006 at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho with burial at Holy Angel Cemetery.
Anna was born on October 6, 1902 to Frank and Emelia (Imoehl) Hemesath at Ossian, Iowa. She attended St. Francis Desalts Catholic School in Ossian, Iowa.
In March 1919, Anna and her family moved to Presho, S.D. They moved northwest of Presho to their farm. She lived and helped on the family farm until 1983 when she moved to Maryhouse in Pierre, S.D.
Anna loved the outdoors, especially gardening and raising chickens and geese. Anna enjoyed sharing the goose-down feather pillows with the family and friends. She was a member of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, the Holy Rosary Study Club, the Catholic Altar Society, and Christ the King Catholic Church.
She is survived by one sister Rose Brodrecht of Presho and one brother Frank Hemesath of Maryhouse of Pierre.
She was preceded in death by four sisters, Catherine Brodrecht, Clara Hemesath, Amelia Brodrecht, Helen Jacoby, four brothers, Louis, Joseph, Edward and Aloysius.
– Clara Elizabeth Hemesath daughter of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 14 Feb 1904 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 02 Jan 1994 at the age of 89 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA.
Clara is buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorial #79976869. link: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/79976869/clara-elizabeth-hemesath
Clara Elizabeth Hemesath Obituary7
Clara was born to Frank and Emilia Imoehl Hemesath. She received her schooling at the St. Francis DeSalles [De Sales] Catholic School.
In March 1919 Clara moved with her parents and her brothers and sisters to Presho, SD. She was a member of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, The Holy Rosary Study Club, The Catholic Altar Society, and the Christ the King Catholic Church at Presho.
Clara is survived by her brothers Edward and Frank, four sisters Catherine, Anna, Rose, Helen and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers Louis, Joseph and Aloysius and sister Amalia.
- Louis William Hemesath son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 27 Apr 1905 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 18 Aug 1991 at the age of 86 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
Louis is buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota. Find A Grave Memorial #84330382.
Louis William Hemesath Obituary8
Louis W. Hemesath
PRESHO – Services for Louis William Hemesath, 86, Presho, are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho. A rosary-scripture service will be at 7 p.m. in the church.
He died Sunday at Maryhouse Nursing Home in Pierre.
Burial will be in Holy Angels Catholic Cemetery. Visitation is set for noon to 6 p.m. today a Hofmeister Funeral Chapel in Pierre.
Hemesath was born April 27, 1905, to Frank and Emelia (Imoehl) Hemesath in Ossian, Iowa. he was educated at St. Fancis [Francis] De Sales Catholic School.
He came to Presho with his parents, brothers and sisters in March 1919.
He was a lifelong member of the Catholic church and was an altar boy for many years. he wa an officer on both the township board and the farmers elevator in Presho.
He spent most of his life farming. In 1988 he moved in with his brother, Edward Hemesath, and lived there until April 15 when he was admitted to a hospital. After that he lived at Maryhouse Nursing Home until his death.
Survivors include five sisters, Catherine Brodrecht, Anna Hemesath, Clara Hemesath, all of Maryhouse in Pierre, and Rose Broderecht and Helen Jacob, both of presho; and two brothers, Edward Hemesath and Frank Hemesath, both of Presho.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, Aloysius Hemesath and Joseph Hemesath; and one sister, Amalia Hemesath.
– - Joseph Herman Hemesath son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 19 Nov 1906 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 09 Mar 1988 at the age of 81 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
Joseph is buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorial #84259420.
Joseph Herman Hemesath Obituary9
PRESHO –– Mass of Christian burial for Joseph Hemesath, 81, Presho will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in Christ the King Catholic Church, with the Revs. James Donahue and William Lambert officiating.
He died Wednesday at his farm home.
Visitation will be from 2. p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday in Hofmeister Funderal Chapel in Presho. Rosary will be at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the church. Burial will be in Holy Angels Cemetery.
Hemesath was born Nov. 19, 1906, in Ossian, Iowa, to Mr. and mrs. Frank Hemesath. He attended elementary school at St. Francis De Salles [De Sales] Catholic School in Ossian. In march 1919 he moved with his parents, five sisters and four brothers to a farm near Presho where he farmed with his father and brothers.
Survivors include five sisters, Anna Hemesath and Clara Hemesath of Pierre, and Helen (Mrs. Walter) Jacoby, Rose Brodrecht and Catherine (Mrs. Henry) Brodrecht, all of Presho.
He was preceded in death by a brother and a sister.
– - Amelia Mathilda Hemesath daughter of son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 03 Feb 1908 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 13 Mar 1949 at the age of 41 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. She married Raymond Charles Brodrecht, son of Henry William Brodrecht Sr. and Katherine (Kern) Brodrecht on 23 Nov 1926 in Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. He was born on 18 Sep 1904 in Illinois, USA. He died on 10 May 1978 at the age of 73 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
After Ameilia died in 1949, Raymond Charles Brodrecht 2nd married Amelia’s sister, Rose Hemesath. I will be following Amelia and Rose Hemesath in a separate post.
- Edward Frank Hemesath son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 18 Jun 1909 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 08 Nov 1999 at the age of 90 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. He married Isabelle Elizabeth Stevens daughter of Albert E. and Bertha Kunigunde (Mairose) Stevens on 18 Jun 1947 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. She was born on 14 Apr 1913 in White Lake, Aurora County, South Dakota, USA. She died on 04 May 1980 at the age of 67 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA.
Edward and Isabelle had one daughter who they lost on September 18, 1948 and who was buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. They had no other children.
Both Isabelle and Ed are buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorials: #84330364 and #84259417.

Edward Frank Hemesath Obituary 11
Edward Hemesath was born on June 18, 1909, in Ossian, Iowa, to Frank and Emilia (Imoehl) Hemesath. He started shcool at St. Francis DeSales School in Ossian and continued his education in Lyman County when his parents, brothers and sisters moved to Presho in March of 1919. he helped with the farm work until June 26, 1947, when he married Isabelle Stevens. They moved to his farm north of town where he continued farming. On September 18, 1948, they lost their baby girl.
Edward served on the township and telephone board in Annin Township. In the spring of 1972, they moved into town after purchasing the McAvery house. That same year they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary that they both enjoyed with their many friends.
He was a kind husband, caring for his wife who had many health problems. She passed away May 4, 1980. In February of 1994, he moved to a nursing home in Pierre, where he resided until his death.
Edward is survived by one brother, Frank Hemesath of Pierre; four sisters, Catherine Brodrecht and Anna Hemesath of Pierre, Rose Brodrecht and helen Jacoby of Presho; brother-in-law, Robert Stevens and wife Jance; three sister-in-laws, Rachel Frasier, Bernadette Falk and husband dale and Estella Hittner and husband Dale and many nieces and nephews. he was precede in death by his wife; baby girl; his parents; two sisters, Clara Hemesath and Amilia Brodrecht and three brothers, Louis, Joseph and Aloysius.
A second Obituary10

- Aloysius Frederick Hemesath son of son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 09 Aug 1912 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 20 Oct 1983 at the age of 71 in Yankton, Yankton County, South Dakota, USA.
Aloysius is buried at Holy Angels Cemetery, Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. Find A Grave Memorial #84259390.
Aloysius is showing as living with his family in the 1930 US Federal Census as noted above, at the age of 18, working as a farm laborer, member of the family.
In the 1940 US Federal Census he is showing as an inmate at the State Hospital For Insane at Utica, Yankton County, South Dakota, USA as follows: - Aloysius Hemesath, inmate, age: 28, single, highest grade completed: 0, birthplace: Iowa, resident in 1935? Yes.
- Frank Edmund Hemesath son of son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 04 May 1915 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 31 Oct 2007 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota, USA (at the age of 92). He married Clara Mary Berlage, daughter of Benedictus Henricus and Josephine (Kern) Berlage in Jan 1950 in Lyman County, South Dakota, USA. She was born on 22 Sep 1906 in Jo Daviess County, Illinois. She died on 01 Jan 1991 at the 84 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.

Frank Edmund Hemesath Obituary12
Frank Hemesath, 92
May 4, 1915 – Oct 31, 2007
Frank Hemesath, 92, of Presho, died Wednesday, Oct. 31 at Maryhouse Nursing Care Center.
Prayer service will be 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2 at Maryhouse Chapel.
Services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 3 at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho with visitation one hour prior to the services.
Burial will be at Holy Angels Cemetery.
Frank was born on May 4, 1915, in Ossian, Iowa to Frank and Emilia (Imoehl) Hemesath. In 1919 the Hemesath family moved to Presho where Frank attended country school in Lyman County and graduated from the eighth grade.
On Jan. 31, 1950, Frank was united in marriage to Clara Berlage at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho.
Frank was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church. When they built the Church Frank was the Rev. Lambert’s right hand man, spending many hours helping build the new Church. He also helped make furniture for many churches.
He enjoyed spending time with family and friends. He always had candy or gum for the kids, as treats.
Frank is survived by his sister Rose (Hemesath) Brodrecht and many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his wife Clara; his parents; four brothers: Louis, Joseph, Edward and Aloysius and five sisters: Catherine, Anna, Clara, Amalia and Helen.
Clara Mary (Berlage) Hemesath Obituary13
Clara Mary Hemesath
PRESHO––Mass of Christian resurrection for Clara Mary Hemesath, 84, will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho.
Mrs. Hemesath died Tuesday at Maryhouse care Center at Pierre.
Rosary will be at 7:30 p.m. today at the church. Burial will be in Holy Angels Cemetery at Presho, under direction of Hofmeister Funeral Chapel.
She was born Sept. 22, 1906, at Elizabeth, Ill., to Henry and Josephine (Kern) Berlage. She clerked in a grocery store at Elizabeth for 17 years, moved to South Dakota in 1949 and married Frank Hemesath Jan. 31 1950.
They lived at Presho, where she was a member of Christ the King Church the King Church and the Altar Society.
Surviving are her husband, of Presho, and a sister, Veronica Baumgartner of Rockford, Ill.
She was preceded in death by one brother.
- Rose Hemesath daughter of son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 13 Mar 1917 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 18 Jul 2010 at the age of 93 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, USA. She married Raymond Charles Brodrecht, son of Henry William Brodrecht Sr. and Katherine (Kern) Brodrecht on 31 Jan 1950 in Lyman, South Dakota, USA. He was born on 18 Sep 1904 in Illinois, USA. He died on 10 May 1978 at the age of 73 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
–Raymond Charles Brodrecht was 1st married to Roses sister Amelia Mathilda (Hemesath) Brodrecht, who died in 1949. I will follow Amelia and Rose in a separate post.
- Helen Emma Hemesath daughter of son of Frank Joseph and Emelia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath was born on 27 Aug 1919 in Presho Lyman, South Dakota. She died on 15 Feb 2001 at the age of 103 in Pierre, Hughes County, South Dakota. She married Walter Charles Jacoby, son of Nicholas Thomas and Catherine E (Streit) Jacoby on 15 Oct 1946 in Lyman, South Dakota, USA. He was born on 27 Jul 1911 in South Dakota, USA. He died on 21 Dec 2002 at the age of 91 in Presho, Lyman County, South Dakota, USA.
Helen Emma (Hemesath) Jacoby Obituary14
Helen Jacoby
PRESHO-Helen Jacoby, 81 died Saturday, February 10, 2001, at Maryhouse Sub-Acute Care Center in Pierre.
Helen Hemesath was born Aug. 27, 1919, in Presho. She grew up and attended school in Lyman County [South Dakota].
She married Walter Jacoby on Oct 15, 1946, in Presho. The couple lived north of the town until 1948, when they moved to the Falton House. They later moved to Pierre [South Dakota].
She was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho, Altar Society and the Holy Rosary Study Club. She was also a former member of Better Homes Exchange Club.
Survivors include her husband, Walter; a son, Joseph of Des Moines; three grandchildren; a brother, frank of Pierre; and three sisters: Catherine Anna, both of Pierre, and Rose of Presho.
Services begin at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Christ the King Catholic Church in Presho with burial in Holy Angels Cemetery.
Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the church with a osary at 7:30 p.m. Hofmeister Funeral Chapel in Pierre is in charge of arrangements.
Walter Charles and Helen Emma (Hemesath) Jacoby Children:
- Infant son born and died 13 Nov 1950, South Dakota, USA
- Joseph Jacoby
- Edward Frank Hemesath Photo, From Funeral Card posted to ancestry.com by Karen Falk on 3 Jan 2015.
- Frank Edmund Hemesath Obituary Photo: Frank Edmund Hemesath Obituary “Frank Hemesath, 92” post dated Nov 2, 2007, retrieved from Capital Journal website online at https://www.capjournal.com/obituaries/frank-hemesath/article_8f416d0b-8a8b-5691-91b5-bf35533b3481.html (Accessed 29 Oct 2019).
- Hemesath-Frank and Emilia Imoehl Wedding Record 1900, Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, Iowa; Series Title: Iowa marriage Records, 1880-1922; Record Type: Textual Records, Title: Iowa, marriage Records, 1923-1937, Author: Ancestry.com, Publisher: Ancestry.com Oeprations, Inc., Publisher Date: 2014, Provo Utah, USA. Ancestry.com.
- Frank J. Hemesath, R 1, Winneshiek County,Iowa WWI Draft Registration Card, Registration State: Iowa, Registration County: Winneshiek; Roll: 1643417. Title: U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Ancestry.com, Publisher: Ancestry.com Oeprations Inc., 2005, Provo, Utah, USA, http://www.Ancestry.com.
- Emilia Mary (Imoehl) Hemesath Biography retrieved from Find A Grave Memorial #84259400 online at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/84259400/emilia-mary-hemesath (Accessed 30 Oct 2019).
- Frank Joseph Hemesath Biography retrieved from Find A Grave memorial #84259405 online at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/84259405/frank-joseph-hemesath (Accessed 30 Oct 2019).
- Frank Hemesath First Prize for Amber Durum Wheat, Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 9 Sep 1938, Ri, Page 7, retrieved from newspapers.com online at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/38144505/frank_hemesath_first_prize_for_amber/ (Accessed 30 Oct 2019).
- Helen Anna Hemesath Obituary “Anna Helen Hemsath” retrieved from Isburg Funeral Chapels, Pierre-Presho-Murdo South Dakota, website online at https://www.isburgfuneralchapels.com/obituary/923487 (Accessed 27 Oct 2019).
- Clara Elizabeth Hemesath Obituary, “Clara Elizabeth Hemesath” retrieved from Find A Grave website online at memorial #79976869 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/79976869 (Accessed 27 oct 2019).
- Louis William Hemesath Obituary “Louis W. Hemesath” Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota) 20 Aug 1991, Tue, Page 12, retrieved from newspapers.com website online at: https://www.newspapers.com/clip/37980533/obituary_for_louis_william_hemesath/ (Accessed 27 Oct 2019).
- Joseph Herman Hemesath Obituary “Joseph Hemesath” Rapid City Journal (Rapid City, South Dakota) 11 Mar 1988, Fri, Page 18, retrieved from newspapers.com online at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/33323198/joseph_hemesath_obituary_19061988/ (Accessed 28 Jun 2019).
- Edward Frank Hemesath Obituary “Edward Hemesath” Argus-Leader (Siox Falls, South Dakota) 11 Nov 1999, Thu, Page 12, retrieved from newspapers.com website online at https://www.newspapers.com/image/243744036/?terms=Edward%2BHemesath (Accessed 28 Oct 2019).
- Citation: From Funeral Card posted to ancestry.com by Karen Falk on 3 Jan 2015.
- Frank Edmund Hemesath Obituary “Frank Hemesath, 92” post dated Nov 2, 2007, retrieved from Capital Journal website online at https://www.capjournal.com/obituaries/frank-hemesath/article_8f416d0b-8a8b-5691-91b5-bf35533b3481.html (Accessed 29 Oct 2019).
- Clara Mary (Berlage) Obituary “Clara mary Hemesath” Rpid City Journal, Rapid City, South Dakota, 03 Jan 1991, Thu, Page 20, retrieved from newspapers.com website online at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/33324019/clara_mary_berlage_hemesath_obit/ (Accessed 28 Jun 2019).
- Helen Emma (Hemesath) Jacoby Obituary “Helen Jacoby”, Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 13 Feb 2001, Tue, Page 13, retrieved from newspapers.com website online at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/38086816/obituary_for_helen_jacoby_19192001/ (Accessed 29 Aug 2019).