Managing Genealogy Projects and Tracking Searches

The fourth week of the Genealogy Do-Over now over….how fast time flies.

This weeks Topics are:

  • Managing Projects and Tasks
  • Tracking Searches

Managing Projects and Tasks

Since I am only doing this for my own use and with no pressured timeline, I have chosen not to do the Managing Project and Tasks portion for this weeks topic. Thomas MacEntee provides a great  project management spreadsheet to use for Managing your project and tasks if you are interested.

What I am doing to manage my tasks, is use the ‘to-do’ sheet in my Genealogy Research Log. That seems to work for me.

I have to admit that keeping on track is sometimes difficult, due to those bright and shiny objects (BSO’s) and other distractions.  I am not doing this for clients, only for me, so meeting timelines is not that important to me.  Making progress is and I seem to be doing okay.

Tracking Searches

I have to admit that I’m having a bit of a problem with this one. Not because I don’t think it’s important, but because I get caught up in my searches and all of a sudden realize that I haven’t been adding my searches to my search page. I am trying, though and have made some progress. But my self discipline really needs to improve here.


This week I decided to research my maternal grandfather, Andrew William Mark(s), who went by the name William. My Aunt Margaret was the keeper of documents. She passed the digital copies down to her grandson, James Brooks, and he kindly sent me all the records he had.  Without those, I don’t think I would have found many of these records, since many of them were Lutheran church records. I would not have thought to go to these specific churches for their records.

Working on grandfather William reminded me of a second cousin, Craig Harnden that I had connected with a couple of years ago. He is the grandson of Martin Mark(s), grandfathers brother. So, I sent him the information I had collected that he most likely did not have. Sharing is a big part of what we do after all. I had gotten the only picture I have of Williams mother, Margrethe from him. Sadly, I still do not have a picture of William.

I will be writing a post about my grandfather Andrew William Marks, this week to share his story.

The Genealogy Do-Over journey is a 13 week challenge from Thomas MacEntee, of GeneaBloggers.


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