A Jan Joosten Van Meteren Line: INTRO & DIRECTORY

The Crom Children

Jan Joosten and wife, Macyke Hendricks immigrated to America on the ship “de Vos”. leaving Amsterdam, Netherlands. “D’Vos sailed on 31 August 1662 and arrived on 14. November 1662 under Captain Jacob Jansz Hays.” With them were five children: four of the Crom Children and Joost Janse, son of Jan Joosten and Macyke Hendricks.

The transcript on their entry on the ship manifest reads as follow:

“35-41   Jan Joosten from the Thillerwaerd, and wife and five children ges 11/2, 6, 9, 12 and 15 years.”.1

There are a variety of opinions on the childrens names, ages and parentage. Much has been learned since the earlier stories were written. Following is my evaluation and opinions about the childrens names, ages and parentage.

Table of Contents

The Crom Children Names

The names of the wife and children were not noted in the ship manifest, but we know that the wife was Macyke Hendricks. About the children, you will find various arguments on this subject, including who the five children were, whether Jan Joosten was their biological father, in what order they were born, and what became of them. 

Some of the confusion is due to the book The Origin & Descent of an American Van Metre Family, by Samuel Gordon Smyth. Smyth states that the children were Lysbeth, Cathrin, Geertje, Joosten Jans and Gysbert. He also states that Jan Joosten is the oldest because he was named heir at law being the oldest son in Jan Joostens will.

Much has been learned since he published his books. He was apparently not aware that four of the children were Macykes from a previous marriage and Jan Joostens will named Jan Joosten Heir at law because he was his oldest (only) biological son.

Some say that Jan Joosten adopted the Crom children.  Official adoptions did not begin in the US until 1851 and mid 20th century in the Netherlands, so it’s most likely there was no formal adoptions. They continued to use the Crom / Krom name, although there was at least one record where Geertje Janse was used. He most likely treated them as his own, but his will definately favored Joost Janse.

It’s pretty much been proven that four of the children were Gysbert Crom, Lysbeth Crom, Geertje Crom and Joost Janse van Meteren.

The fifth child’s name is a matter of discussion with a variety of names, including CathrinHenric, and Marie being the most popular.


Who was the 4th Crom Child?

Maria Crom?

I have eliminated Marie as an option. I could find no evidence of a Maria Crom associated with this family. 

Dirck Jan Schepmoes, son of Jan Janszen Schepmoes and Sarah Pieters van Orcum, and Maria Willems (no surname) had several children in the Kingston, New York Old Dutch Church Records.  This is the Maria that many assume is a Crom and the daughter of Willem Crom and Maycke Hendricks. Although the church records showing the baptism of their children do not show a surname, some (not all) of the Schepmoes family trees show Maria as Maria Willem Crom or Krom, I found no records showing Maria Willem as a Crom. 

I couldn’t find any records connecting the Schepmoes family, such as witnesses to their children baptisms or listed in Jan Joostens will. There is a recorded interaction between Jan Joosten and Derick Schepmoes: after the death of Lysbet’s widower, Joost Adriaensen, Jan Joosten was appointed “arbitrator in proceedings regarding the sale of some land in Hurley, which had been sold to Derick Schepmoes by Adrience [sic] during his lifetime.” This transaction didn’t take place until 1685 and doesn’t really connect the families, other than this dispute.

There is a Maria Willem de Crom associated with another family in the Netherlands. She was born to Willem de Crom and Jenneken, Baptized2 25 Jul 1657 in Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands. However, I couldn’t connect her to Kingston, N.Y. 

Catherine Crom?

The only Catherine Crom I could find in the records is the daughter of Gysbert Crom and Geertie Arents van Vilet. She was Macyke’s granddaughter, not her daughter.

The confusion probably began when Samuel Gordon Smyth assumed Catherine was the daughter of Jan Joosten and Macyke Hendricks in his book The Origin and Descent of an America Van Matre Family.3

Henric "Henry" Crom?

I believe Henric is our guy.

I found Gysbert Crump and Henry Crump in the list of Marbletown soldiers of Capt. Henry Pawlings Foot Company on April 5, 16704. Jan Joosten, Jooste Janse and others associated with the family were also on the list, which I’ve attached below.

Also, Macykes father’s name was Hendric, so fits into the naming standard of their time.

So, what happened to Henry? It can only be speculated that he died after April 5, 1670, or left the family for other parts and lost contact, since he was not mentioned in Jan Joostens will as were the other children. I was unable to find any other records for him.


Crom Children Ages

Jooste Janse, son of Jan Joosten and Macyke Hendricks was likely the youngest child, who would have been 2 1/2 in August of 1662, putting his birth in about Feb 1660.

The birth dates for the other children would be:

     1st child born in 1647
     2nd child born in 1650
     3rd child born in 1653
     3th child born in 1656

First let’s evaluate their names.

Looking at the naming standards of the time:

  • The first son is named after their Paternal grandfather
  • The second son is named after their Maternal grandfather
  • The first daughter is named after the Paternal grandmother
  • The second daughter is named after the Maternal grandmother
  • The remaining children are usually named after parents, aunts, uncles, godparents and friends.
  • The second given name (patronymic) would be the fathers first name.

I believe the paternal grandparents were Gÿsbert Willemsz Crom and Lysbeth Cornelisdr. 

We know the maternal grandparents were Henrick Hendricx and Lijsbet Voet.

Their parents were Macyke Hendricks and Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom.

Using their naming standards of the time this would follow:

     1st son: Gÿsbert Willemsen Crom. excludes him from being the 4th child.

     2nd son: Henric Willemsen Crom, excludes him from being the 1st child.

     1st daughter would be: Lisbeth Willemsdr Crom, excludes her from being the 4th child.

Since both grandmothers are named an iteration of Lisbeth, the 2nd daughter would be named after another relative or friend.  So we have 

     2nd daughter Geertje Willemsdr Crom, .

For their ages I assumed Gysbert is the oldest son and Lisbeth is the oldest daughter.

Next, I looked at their marriage dates:


Gysbert married Geertie Arents van Lilet about 1672. His first child was born in 1675. His marriage date didn’t exclude him from any of the options.

Lysbeth married Joost Adriaensen Molenauer 28 Oct 1668. She would have been 12 if born in 1655, Although possible to have married at 15. I excluded her from being the 4th child (already excluded based on names), but couldn’t exclude her from being the 3rd child, given the times. I suspect she was the 1st or 2nd child.

Geertje married Jan Hamel in 1682, her first child born 1683. So couldn’t exclude her from any of the dates.


Next I looked at the ages in 1670, when Gysbert and Henry were in Pawlings Foot Company in 1670.

1647 = 23

1650 = 20

1653 = 17

1656 = 14, if Harry was the youngest, he would have been 14. Not likely, but I couldn’t exclude this option, given the times.

To recap,

Gysbert – could be 1st, 2nd or 3rd child, but most likely 1st or 2nd.

Lysbeth – could be the 1st, 2nd or 3rd child, but most likely 1st or 2nd.

Henry – could be the 2nd, 3rd or 4th child, but most likely 2nd or 3rd.

Geertje – could be the 3rd or 4th child, but most likely 4th.

To make it easy you could just place all their birth years as between 1647 & 1656.


Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom and Macyke Hendricks Children

Note:      Spelling was not important You will find their names spelled in a variety of ways in the various records. For example, Crom can be found in the records as Crom, Crum, Crump, Krom and Krum.  First names also vary in spelling.

1. Gysbert Willemsen Crom

son of Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom and Macyke Hendricks.

Born:              1647 – 1650 in the Tielerwaard, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:              Before 24 Oct 1724 in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York, USA.

Married:         About 1672 Geertje Arents van Vilet in Ulster County, New York

Find A Grave: Memorial #214986458 burial details unknown.

Note:             He died before 24 Oct 1724, when the Ulster County Coroner claimed expense money for “enquiry of the body” .   

Geertje Arent van Vilet daughter of Adriaen Geritsen van Vilet and Aagje Jansdr Spruyt.

Born:             About 1654  in Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Died:             Before 24 Oct 1724 in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York.

Find A Grave: Memorial #196970598 burial details unknown.

Geertje came to America with her father and four siblings. Although from the Netherlands, I found the following story in The Early Germans of New Jersey Collection. Utrecht is in the Netherlands just north of the Tierlerwaard.5

“Adrian Gerritsen (afterwards Van Vleet, Vliet, Vliedt), from Utrecht, arrived at New Amsterdam in the ship Trouw, 13 June, 1662, with 5 children, aged 13, 12, 11, 8 and 7 years. He is found as Aertsen Gerritsen Van Vleet, in Wiltwyck [now Kingston] in 1664. Ari Gerretse takes the oath of allegiance in Ulster Co., 1689. He married Agatha Jans Spruyt of an old family who belonged to Kriekenbeck and Opstal in the province of Utrecht. He had ch.: I. Gerrit, prob b 1649, m. Before 1681, Pieternella Swart (day. Of Teunis); II. Jan, prob. B. 1650, m. Judith Hussey (daughter. Of Fred.); III. Dirck, prob. b. 1651, m. 1685, Anna (dau. Of Andrew Barents); IV. Gerr-Dirck, pro. b. 1651, m. 1685, Anna (dau. Of Andrew Barents); IV. Geertruyd, prob. B 1654. Before 1679, Gysbert Crom; V. Machteld, prob. b. 1655, m. (1) Barents Van Borsum; (2) 15 Sept., 1684, Jan. Jacobsen Stol.”

Gysbert shows as Witness for many marriages and births in the Old Dutch Church Records. He is shown on the list of Naturalizations and Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New York:

KROM, Gysbert, of Ulster Co. – 8/9 Sept. 1715 (Deed Book BB:387)6

A foot soldier in the militia from 1670, Gysbert was a lieutenant by 1700. In 1705 he conveyed “his interest in the estate of Jan Joosten which was bequeathed unto him” to Joost Janse’s son John Van Metre; and witnessed a similar conveyance from Maycken to her grandson. By 1909 Gysbert was a trustee of Marbletown, still listed as an officer (though “an old man”) on its military roll.

This was close to the end of Jan Joostens life and I suspect he (Jan Joosten) disbursed most his assets to his heirs about this time.

Gysbert died before October 24, 1724, when the Ulster County Coroner claimed expense money for “enquiry of the body.”


1704 Grantor: Joost Jansen, Grantee: Gysbert Crom  Liber A.A., Page 362.7

1705 Grantee Gysbert Crom, Grantor: Jan J. Van Meteren, Page 3628.

The following appears to be part of the same transaction and Wm J. Van Tongerin noted as employer9

1705 Grantee: Gysbert Krom, Grantor: Joost Jansen D [Deed?] LIber A.A. Page 362
1705 Grantee: Gysbert Krom, Grantor: Jan J. Van Meteren, D [Deed?] Liber A.A. Page 363
1705 Grantee: Gysbert Krom, Grantor: Wm J. Van Tongerin, D[Deed?] Liber A.A. Page 364

Gysbert Willemsen Crom & Geertje Adriansdr van Vliet Children

  1. Cathryntje Gysberts Crom
  2. Willem Gysberts Crom
  3. Mayken Gysberts Crom
  4. Gysbert Gysberts Crom
  5. Dirck Gysberts Crom
  6. Henric Gysberts Crom
  7. Achie “Aegjen” Gysberts Crom
  8. Lysbeth Gysberts Crom, twin of Zacharias
  9. Zacharias GLysberts Crom, twin of Lysbeth

2. Lysbet Willemsen Crom

daughter of Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom and Macyke Hendricks.

Born:             1647 – 1653 in the Tielerwaard, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:             9 Jul 1681 at the age of about 30, in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York. Just a few months after the birth of her son Hendrick.

Married:         28 Oct 1668 Joost Adriansen Molenauer in Wiltwyck, New Nerherlands (now Kingston, Ulster County, New York).10

Joost Adriansen Molenauer, son of Adruaen Dirsen Molenaar and Chijeltgen Pierterse.

Born:             Abt 1640 in Pijnacker, South Holland, Netherlands.

Died:             Before 17 Oct 1682 at the age of about 41 (his will was proved 17 Oct 1682), appointing Jan Joosten as tutor / overseer of the children).

Immigrated:   Jun 1660 from Amsterdam, Netherlands on 22 Dec 1659 and arrived at New Amsterdam, New Netherlands, Colonial America in June 1660.

Married 1st:   20 Mar 1663 Femmetjen Hendricks in Wiltwyck, Esopus, New Netherlands (now Kingston, New York) [Femmetjen was “of Meppelen” some believe Femmetien was sister of Mayken, but this is another misconception by Samuel Gordon Smyth].11

Married 3rd:   9 Jul 1681 Marritje Hays, widow.

Lysbet Willemsen Crom & Joost Adreaensen Mosenauer Children

  1. Jannetie Molenauer
  2. Adrian Molenaer
  3. Willem Molenaer 
  4. Hendrick Molenauer

3. Henric "Henry" Willemsen Crom

son of Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom and Macyke Hendricks.

Born:              1650 – 1656 in the Tielerwaard, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:              After Apr 1671

Henry disappears from records after 1671.

4. Geertje Willemsen Crom.

daughter of Willem Gÿsbertszen Crom and Macyke Hendricks.

Born:              1653 – 1656 in Opijnen, Tielerwaard, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:              Before 1703 in New Jersey, Colonial America.

Married:         28 Oct 1668 Jan Hamel in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York, Colonial America.

Jan Hamel son of Dirk Theodorus van Hamel and Sophia van Wijckersloot.

Born:             1650-1656 in Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:             Before 1703 most likely in Burlington, New Jersey, Colonial America.

Married 2nd:  14 Feb 1703 Christina van Roosevelt.

Geertje Willemsen Crom & Jan Hamel Children

  1. Catharina Hamel 
  2. Elysabeth Hamel 
  3. Jan “John” Hamel
  4. Mayken “Mary” Hamel
  5. William Hamel
  6. Michal Hamel

Jan Joosten van Meteen and Macyke Hendricks Child

5. Jooste Janse van Meteren

son of Jan Joosten van Meteren and Macyke Hendricks. Also called John the Indian Trader & Guide and John of New York.

Born:             About Feb 1660 in Tiel, Tielerwaard, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Died:             About 1707 in New Jersey, Colonial America.

Married:        12 Dec 1682 Sara DuBois in New Paltz, Ulster County, New York, Colonial America.12

Find A Grave: Memorial #184623335 shows burial at Old Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Daretown Salem County, New Jersey, USA.

Sarah Du Bois daughter of Louis Du Bois and Catherine Blanchan.

Born:             Sep 1664 in Wiltwyck, New Netherlands, Colonial America (now Kingston, New York).

Baptised:       14 Sep 1664 i Wiltwyck, New Netherlands, Colonial America (now Kingston, New York).

Died:             13 Jan 1726 in Salem, New Jersey, Colonial American

Find A Grave: Memorial #79887606 shows burial at Old Hurley Burial Ground, Hurley, Ulster County, New York, USA.

Jooste Janse (aka John Van Metre) and Sara Du Bois had adventurous lives.  I will be covering their stories in separate posts. 

Note:          There is some confusion about Jooste Janse, as he was also known as John Van Metre as was his son and his grandson. His fathers cousin, Jan Gijsbertsen van Meteren, who immigrated to America a year after Jan Joosten with his son Krijn Jansen, had a grandson that also went by the name of John Van Mater (various spellings). Their records can be found in Long Island, New York and Monmouth County, New Jersey. Many webgens show Jan Gijsbertsen as the son of Jan Joosten and Macyke Hendricks in error (IMHO). See the family tree towards the bottom of my post Jan Joosten Van Meteren Lineage.



  1. Jan Joosten and family ship manifest, retrieved from Immigrant Ships Transcibers Guild online at https://www.immigrantships.net/v10/1600v10/dvos16621114.html (Accessed 28 Jan 2023).
  2. Maria Willem de Crom Baptism, "Nederland, Indexen van de Archieven, Primaire Archiefstukken (BS en DTB), 1600-2000," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QLDG-C1L9 : 23 August 2017), Maria Willem de Crom, Baptism 25 Jul 1657, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Nederland; from database, openarchives (https://www.openarch.nl : 2016); citing Archiefnaam: Doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken Tilburg en Goirle 1600-1810, Bron: boek, Deel: 5, Per..., archive 15, inventory number 5, folio 89; Archiefnaam: Doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken Tilburg en Goirle 1600-1810, Bron: boek, Deel: 5, Per...; Regionaal Archief Tilburg.
  3. Smyth, Samuel Gordon. "The Origin and Descent of an American Van Metre Family", 20 Oct 1923. Lancaster Press, Inc., Lancaster, PA. https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=12599&path= Page 15
  4. New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775, Vol. I, Page 378 [database on-line]. Original data: Annual Report of the State Historian, Accessed online at https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/48344/images/NYMusterRollsI-003143-378?ssrc=&backlabel=Return&pId=302442 (Accessed 29 Jan 2023).
  5. Adrian Gerritsen Van Vilet-The Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies. Chapter XXVI, Spruce Run8swake-Clarksville Lutheran Churches. 31 Oct 1893, Printed by the dover Printing Company 1895, P 542.  Online at Ancestry.com Collections.(Accessed 15 Feb 2023]
  6. Gysbert Krum Oath of Allegiance -Denixations, Naturalizations, and Oaths of Allegiance I Colonial New York, by Kenneth Scott and Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Genealogical Pulishing Co., Inc, Baltimore - 1975, Page 41. Accessed online at https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/49120/images/FLHG_DenizationsColonialNY-0053?pId=25208 (Accessed 16 Feb 2023).
  7. Index of Deeds, Ulster County, N.Y. p 1-1151 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9WR-JDC6?i=173&cc=2078654&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AZV92-NW3Z
  8. Grantor, Index of Deeds, Ulster County, N.Y. page 456 online at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9WR-H96T?i=529&cc=2078654&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3ACYHP-7MT2
  9. Grantee. Index of deeds, Ulster County, N.Y., Page 1304 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-99WR-VNQW?i=175&cc=2078654&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3A864F-2FPZ
  10. Joost Adrianensen and Elisabeth Willemsen Krom Marriage — Baptismal and marriage registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston: Ulster County, New York, 1660-1809, Marriage #26 Page 503 online 512 of 806. Online at Ancestry.com Collections: (Accessed 18 Feb 2023).
  11. Joost Adriansen and Femmetjen Hendricks Marriage— Baptismal and marriage registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston: Ulster County, New York, 1660-1809, page 500, Marriage #8. Access online 503 of 806: Online at Ancestry.com Collections (Accessed 18 Feb 2023)
  12. Joost Janz and Sara Du Bois Marriage— Baptismal and marriage registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston: Ulster County, New York, 1660-1809, page 506, Marriage #56. Access online 515 of 806: Online at Ancestry.com Collections (Accessed 18 Feb 2023).

The family Information was retrieved from a variety of family trees, webgens and family stories. I will note citations as appropriate and hope the information assists you in your research, but please do not use this as proven evidence. Feedback is welcome!

Pat Burns. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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