Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Helena Mary Doerr
daughter of William and Marie Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr.
Born: 6 Feb 1891 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.1
Died: 22 Feb 1988 at the age of 97 in Ossian, Winneshiek Coutny, Iowa, USA.
Married: 10 Nov 1915 John Bernard Moellers in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave Memorial #103783715 buried t Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa..
John Bernard Moellers son of Bernard “Barney” and Mary Anna (Kleve) Moellers.
Born: 18 Jul 1887 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.2
Died: 16 May 1976 at the age of 88 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #103783742 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA..
John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
John was 28 and Helena 24 when they married in 1915. They farmed east of Ossian, in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa.
They had eight children, two of whom died tragically. Their daughter Wilma at the age of 7 months 3 1/2 weeks old from shock after being burned. Their son, John Anthony was killed during World War II at the age of 24 in Okinawa, Japan.
The 1920 Census shows them owning their home (mortgaged) in Militaary Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa. The 1930 census shows they owned their farm and owned a radio.
In 1940, John was a delegate for the Democratic Convention for Military Township.
In 1960 three townships (Springfield, Military and Frankville, organized to operate a “Tri-Township Fire Department”. John Moellers was trustee for Military township, along with Hugo Zweibohmer and Ralph Holthaus.

Memories of my Mother and Father
by Helen (Moellers) Franzen, 2015.
Memories of my Mother and Father
Mom & Dad were married 100 yrs. ago on Nov 10th, 1915. This is a little tribute to my memories of them.
The John and Helen (Doerr) Moellers Family.
John married Helen Doerr (daughter of Bill and Mary Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr) on November 10, 1915. They had 8 children. John lived all his life in the area, farming near Ossian until 1958 when he and Helen moved to Ossian to make their home. He had been active in civic and farm related organizations, serving as president of the Military Township School Board, trustee of Military Township and ASC committeeman. He had been a member of the Farm Bureau since 1934 and belonged to St. Francis De Sales church.
He played the violin and cello. He was a good blacksmith. He believed in taking good care of the soil and also his animals. Solo was his favorite card game. He liked to tell jokes. I remember being really proud of the way he conducted meetings.
Contributed by Helen Franzen
The calloused palms refuse to stretch flat after so many years of toil. Wrinkles more numerous than furrows in a field cover the entire hand. Yet these hands have a gentle way about them. This man has known joys amidst the hardships. Their size and shape reveal former strength, but now they are feeble and uncertain. Several scars tell of former painful accidents, but they lend all the more beauty to these hands __ not the beauty of a white, nicely-shaped and manicured hand like those in a hand lotion advertisement, but a hand rich with poetry and meaning. These hands cannot fold in prayer like those of a First Communicant, but they show the man’s faith and devotion to God in their own way. In their clasp is the warmth and friendship, understanding and sympathy that only experience can bring. –– Helen Moellers
Memories of Mother
By Helen (Moellers) Franzen
My mother was one of the strong women in rough times. Her mother was sickly so she ran into difficult situations even before she was married in 1915. She told many times about a Jew who her father invited to stay for dinner. She knew he wouldn’t eat pork, so fried him some eggs. Mom was quite upset he wouldn’t eat the eggs until her bed ridden mother remarked – FRIED them? Jews didn’t eat lard either.
Her first big sorrow after marriage was losing an 8 month old daughter. Wilma had managed to crawl off the bed after her nap and a cinder from the wood burning stove landed on her back. She died from shock.
Keeping the family fed and clothed during the depression was a real challenge. But mom managed to keep the family in good spirits and we kids didn’t realize how tough times were. WWII brought new problems. Three sons were called to service –– the 2nd came home with a medical discharge, the oldest came home in a coffin.
With so many young men gone, the ones left had to farm more land with less help. Rationing made cooking & canning difficult. We planted an even bigger garden. We put up more produce from the orchard – all cooked in our small kitchen over a wood-burning stove. Of course there was no air conditioner, not even refrigerators or freezers. Dad raised cane which was made in to sorgum – very big in demand with sugar rationing. Stripping the cane & harvesting it just before a killing frost is a story in itself. Every body including mom helped to bring the cane in at its sweetest stage. Then in the evening, even though we were cold and exhausted, we had to catch the last of the hens roosting outside.
During the war new material was also difficult to find. Feed & flour sacks were turned into attractive dresses for me by mom. I never felt embarrassed because people with “store-bought” clothes would compliment me on them. Neighbors would trade sacks to get enough matching ones for their dresses, curtains, etc.
But one sacrifice really stands out in my mind. Dad had slipped on the ice carrying skim milk to the hogs, and cracked some ribs. The rest of us were either coming down or getting over the mumps. I was too young to be much help. Mom didn’t want to risk sending any of my brothers out in the cold, so she tore a strip off an old sheet & wrapped it over her head and under her jaws to keep her cheeks warm. Even though she had the mumps herself, she went out and did the chores. Mom relied on her faith in God to pull her through difficult times. her “treasure” on earth was her family. I didn’t realize until I had children of my own what a great treasure I had been blessed with –– my mother and father.
Democratic Convention
May 4, 1940
OSSIAN––Delegates from Military township attending the Winneshiek county democratic convention at Decorah Saturday are: John McManus, Gerd Barthelme, Fred Brockamp, Frank A. Schmitz, John Moellers, John Bengfoet, John Cremer, Leo Scheidel, William Uhlenhake, Frank Peyer, Theodore Scheidel, Loretta MGary, M. J. Klein, Margaret Scholz, Ernestine Klein, Joh Moe, Irene Meyer, Henry J Uhlenhake and Mrs. Tom Collins.
Tri-Township Fire Department
June 8, 1960
Fire Department
Springfield. Military and Frankville Townships in the northeast corner of Winneshiek County, in Iowa have organized to operate a “Tri-Township Fire Department.”
A meeting was held in Frankville Friday evening, June 3, when Ray Teslow and Keith Evert were elected as fire chiefs. Alden Grinna was elected president and Leo berg was elected secretary of the new organization.
Arthur C. Ruen is chairman, Elmer Wangsness is vice chairman, Irvin Forsaaen is treasurer and Leonard Brown is secretary.
The new organization which will operate under the auspices of the Ossian Fire Department, will be stationed in Frankville.
Trustees for Miliary township are: Hugo Zweibohmer, Ralph Holthaus and John Moellers. Irvin Fosaaen is clerk.
Trustees for Spingfield township are: Leonard Brown, Elmer Wangsness and Arthur Severson. Ralph Bullard is clerk.
Trustees for Frankville township are: Philip Bakke, Vernon Grinna and Arthur Ruen. Norman Lee is clerk.
The new fire department will operate on a strictly volunteer arrangement––a fire truck is available for immediate use at any time. Either Ossian or Frnkville may be contacted in case of fire. A tank truck has been purchase which will be stationed in Ossian. The three township concerned in this new organization voted on a tax levy––to be used for fire prevention and equipment.
Building of the new fire station will start in about one month. The dimensions will be 16×4 feet and the building will be made of cement blocks.
The following were elected as firemen: earl Koenig, Gary Snitker, Leonard Crawford, Le Roy Winters, Tillman Aschim, Dick Hughes and Merle Cook.
A committee from the three townships has studied the situation during the past winter months.
Frankville village is to be the only unincorporated town in Winneshiek County to have a Tri-Township fire department. The town also has a street lighting system. the population is about 150. The Frankville Cheese Factory is one of the largest in the state. There is a Community Presbyterian Church; a grade school; two general stores; two garages and a blacksmith shop.
60th Anniversary
14 Nov 19753
60th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Moeller of Ossian recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They have six children, 46 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
John Bernard Moellers Death
Iowa Deaths 18 May 19764
Ossian –– John Moellers, 88. Wednesday at 11, St. Francis Desales Catholic church. Rosary Tuesday evening, Schmitz’.

Five Generations

Helen Mary (Doerr) Moellers Obituary
April 24, 19885
Helen M. Moellers
Ossian –– Services for Helen Mary Moellers, 97, will be 11 a.m. Monday at St. Francis desales Catholic Church, Ossian; burial in the church cemetery; she died Friday morning (April 22) at the Ossian Senior Hospice of natural causes; survivors include four sons, Clair of Fort Atkinson, Ralph of West Union, Arthur of Fayette, and Reginald of Ossian; two daughters, Edna Bangfort of Ossian and Helen Franzen of Hawkeye; 46 grandchildren; 79 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandson; she was preceded in death by her husband, John B. on May 16, 1976; a son, John A., who died May 3, 1945 in World War II, and a daughter, Wilma in 1919; friends may call at the Schmitz Funeral Home, Ossian, from 2 to 9 p.m. today, where there will be a Catholic Daughters of America rosary at 3 p.m.; a West /Union Knights of Columbus rosary at 7 p.m. and a Scripture service at 8 p.m. and a Scripture service at 8 p.m. she and her husband farmed west of Ossian for 43 years.
Census and Records for John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
It’s important to note that the information collected on Census records may have been provided by any of the household members and sometimes even a neighbor. Interpretation of information was up to the census taker. Spelling was often written phonetically and the handwriting sometimes difficult to transcribe.
1917 WWI Draft Registration Card
- John Barney Moellers, card No. 43, age: 29, home address: Ossian, Iowa, birthdate: July 19th, 1887, Citizen? Natural Born, birthplace: Festina, Iowa, USA, occupation: Farmer, by whom? Myself, Where? Ossian, Iowa, dependents: wife & child, married, race: Caucasian, exempt from draft? no. Description: Medium height, medium build, light brown eyes, gray hair, not bald, dated: June 5th, 1917.
1920 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. Supervisor’s District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 173, Sheet No. 10 A, Enumerated on 19th day of January, 1920. Line No. 33.6
- John B. Moellers, head, Own Home, Mortgaged, age: 32, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, speaks English, occupation: Farmer, industry: General Farm, working on own account.
- Helen M. Moellers, wife, age: 29, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, speaks English.
- Edna M. Moellers, daughter, age: 2 years 5 months, birthplace: Iowa.
1930 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. Supervisor’s District No. 3, Enumeration District No. 96-26, Sheet No. 2B, Enumerated on April 23, 1930. Line No. 69.7
- John B. Moellers, head, owns farm, owns a radio, age: 42 married, marriage age: 28, can read & write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Iowa, Mothers birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Farmer Industry: Farm, Veteran? no.
- Helen M. Moellers, wife, age: 39 married, marriage age: 24, can read & write, birthplace: Iowa. speaks English.
- Edna C. Moellers, daughter, age: 13, attending school, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa.
- John A. Moellers, son, age: 8, attending school, birthplace: Iowa.
- Clair W. Moellers, son, age: 6, birthplace: Iowa.
- Ralph B. Moellers, son, age: 3 years 3 months, birthplace: Iowa.
- Arthur F. Moellers, son, age: 11 months, birthplace: Iowa.
- William Doerr, father-in-law, age: 74, married, marriage age: 22, can read & write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: Germany, Mothers birthplace: Germany, can speak English, occupation: none, veteran? no.
- Catherine Doerr, mother-in-law, age: 70, married, marriage age: 17, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, Fathers birthplace: France, Mothers birthplace: France, can speak English.
1940 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. S.D. No. 4, E.D. No. 96-27, Sheet No. 6A, Enumerated on May 1, 1940. Line No. 12.8
- John Maellers (sic), head, own home, value: 1000, live on farm? yes, age: 52, married, highest grade completed: 8, birthplace: Iowa, where lived in 1935: same house, hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940: 82, occupation: farmer, industry: farming, class of worker: own Account, weeks worked in 1939: 52.
- Helen Maellers, wife, age: 49, married, highest grade completed: 8, birthplace: Iowa, where lived in 1935: same place,
- John A Maellers, son, age: 18, single, attending school: yes, highest grade complete: H3, birthplace: Iowa.
- Clair Maellers, son, age: 16, single, attending school: no, highest grade complete: (left blank), birthplace: Iowa, hours worked week of March 24-30, 1940: 82, occupation: farmer, industry: farming, class of worker: wage.
- Ralph Maellers, son, age: 13, attending school: yes, highest grade completed: 6, birthplace: Iowa.
- Arthur Maellers, son, age: 10, attending school: yes, highest grade completed: 4, birthplace: Iowa.
- Reginald Maellers, son, age: 8, attending school: yes, highest grade complete: 1, birthplace: Iowa.
- Helen Maellers, daughter, age: 5, birthplace: Iowa.
1942 WWII Draft Registration Card9
- John Bernard Moellers, Serial No. 1242, Residence: Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Mailing address: RFD, Ossian, Iowa, Telephone exchange: Festina, Telephone Number: blank, age: 54, birth date: July 18, 1887, birthplace: Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Name and address of person who will always know your address: Mrs. Helen Moellers, Ossian, Iowa. (Wife), Employers name and address: Self, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa. Description of registrant: Race: White, Height: 5’7”, weight: 170, Eyes: Brown, Hair: gray, complexion: ruddy. Dated: 27 Apr 1942.
John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers Children

- Edna Catherine Moellers
daughter of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 10 Aug 1916 in Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.10
Died: 21 May 2007 at the age of 90 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Married: 11 Oct 1937 Ervin Joseph Bengfort at Saint Francis de Sales Church, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #39177740 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winnishiek County, Iowa, USA.
Ervin Joseph Bengfort
Born: 14 Mar 1916 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.11
Died: 11 Aug 1961 at the age of 45 in Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #103163106 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
I’ve not been able to find a cause of death or obituary for Ervin. Ervin and Edna were farmers and I did find where the farm was liquidated shortly after his death. He was only 45 when he died. If you know his story, I’d be happy to update this post.

Edna Moellers and Ervin Bengfort Marry – October 12, 193712
Ossian, Ia.—Miss Edna Moellers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moellers, and Ervin Bengfort, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bengfort, were married Monday morning [October 11, 1937] by Rev. M. J. Thiltgen at St. Francis de Salles [sic] Catholic Church. Attendants were Miss Lucille Bengfort and John Moellers, Jr. the ceremony was followed by a reception and dinner for 75 guests sat the home of the bride’s parents, and in the evening a wedding dance took place at the Ossian opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Bengfort will make their home near Ossian.
Thank You from Ervin Bengfort Family – August 16, 196113
THANK YOU — Our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of sympathy during our sad bereavement. For the floral offerings, memorials, gifts of food and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. A special thanks to Rev. F. J. Vallaster and Msgr. V. J. Peters. Such kindnesses and neighborly thoughtfulness can never be forgotten.
The family of Ervin Bengfort.
Good Neighbors Help at Bengfort – September 6, 196114
Another good neighbor act was evidenced on Monday and Tuesday of last week when the neighbors of Mrs. Ervin Bengfort arrived with mowers, crushers, rakes, balers, wagons and tractors and helped put up hay.
Men helping in the field included: Harlan Foels, Leo Foels, Grant Schultz, Clarence Morre, James Schlee, Ralph Schnuelle, Robert Roffman, Dean Foels, Herman Polfer, Ernst Pauslen Aldo Sander, Willard Sander, John Bengfort and William Schultz.
Women helping serve lunch were Mrs. Leo Foels, Mrs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. Robert Roffman, Mrs. Herman Polfer, Mrs. Grant Schultz, Mrs. Kelly Bucket, and Mrs. Ervin Bengfort.
The Allamakee Farm Service Company furnished gas; The Farmers Store furnished soft drinks.
Neighbors – November 30, 196115
POSTVILLE — …Neighbors and friends also came to the home of Mrs. Ervin Bengfort last week and harvested the corn crop. A group of women served dinner. Other necessary farm work had been completed by neighbors and relatives a few days earlier.
Edna Catherine (Moellers) Bengfort Obituary – May 24 200716
Edna Bengfort
Edna Catherine Bengfort, 90, died Monday, May 21, 2007, at the Ossian Senior Hospice. Funeral service: 11 a.m. Friday, St. Francis DeSales Church, Ossian, by Monsignor Cletus Hawes, Burial: St. Francis DeSales cemetery. The family will receive friends from 5:30 to 8 tonight in the vestibule of St. Francis DeSales, where a Scripture service will be held at 7 p.m. A viewing also will be held one hour prior to the funeral.
Edna was born Aug. 10, 1916, near Ossian in the military township of Winneshiek County, the first child of John B. And Helen M. (Doerr) Moellers. She married Ervin J. Bengfort on Oct. 12, 1937, at St. Francis Desales. Edna and Ervin farmed near Ossian, Castalia and Postville until Ervin died on Aug. 11, 1961. Edna moved to Ossian and worked at the DeSales School cafeteria, Zweibohmer’s Cafe and Oneota Care Center near Decorah.
She is survived by her six children, Darlene Buchheit of Maynard, Elaine (Eugene) Hornback of Versailles, Ky., Dr. John (July) Bengfort of Winona, Minn., Hetty (Wayne) Courtney of Dubuque, Randy (Lily) Bengfort of Columbia, Md., and Anita (Larry) Greden of Rochester, Minn.; 18 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; three brothers, Ralph (Theresa) Moellers of West Union, Art (Millie) Moellers of Fayette and Reg (Nell) Moellers of Ossian; and one sister, Helen (Leo) Franzen of West Union.
Preceding her in death, along with her husband, were brothers, John and Clair; infant sister, Wilma; and grandsons, Lydell and Ervin Buchheit.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks donations be made to the Ossian senior Hospice.
Ervin Jospeh and Edna Catherine (Moellers) Bengfort Children
- Darlene Mary Bengfort married Callistus “Kelly” Hilarius Buchheit.
- Elaine Catherine Bengfort married Roscoe Eugene “Gene” Hornback.
- John Marcellus Bengfort married Judith Patricia Wendl.
- Elizabeth “Betty” Jean Winifred Bengfort married Wayne M. Courtney.
- Randolph “Randy” Ralph Bengfort married Lily Mohunlall.
- Anita Louise Bengfort married Larry Francis.
- Wilhelmina “Wilma” Mary Moellers
daughter of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 14 Mar 1919 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 8 Nov 1919 at the age of 7 months 24 days in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.17
Find A Grave: Memorial #103784010 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winnishiek County, Iowa, USA.
Note: Wilma had managed to crawl off the bed after her nap and a cinder from the wood burning stove landed on her back. She died from shock..
Wilma’s Timeline
Written by Mrs. John (Helen) Moellers
Wilhelmina Mary Moellers
Born Mar. 14 Fri. 6:30 am 1919
Weight 6 1/2 lbs.
Baptized Mar. 19
June 21 Wilma is a very good girl, is sometimes troubled with stomach ache, and constipation. Laughs when you play with her, sucks her thumb.
July 8 Trys to sit and likes to come.
Aug. 22 Sits and wants to stand, wants to play alot.
Sep 11 Can stand alone a little bit. Don’t know enough to balance. Is Papa’s girl. Had a cranky streak for awhile, is good again. Loves to watch Edna play.
Oct. 1 One tooth (left lower). Starts to crawl on hands and knees. Don’t get far yet. Wantsto eat. Likes most anything. I just let her chew on bread or cookies.
Nov 11, 1919 Oh what cannot happen. Just a moment too late and my little girl is burned beyond hope. How little did I dream when I crushed out the fire. It was all I could, but the burn went too deep. The little life has fled and only the few short months of having her will only be a memory. What a gap what a space. The loneliness that can never be filled. Time is a great healer, but never will the gap be filled. How she crept about, putting her hands ahead and drawing her body after like a rabbit, or getting up on her feet and get ahead. Our sweet, good, laughing baby. Too good for this earth. she has gone ahead. How she was ever ready with a laugh, a smile as soon as we took her. How it was just a moment to forget the bump, or hurt that befell her. To see my 2 little girls playing together. But no, not in this world again.
Oh what will be the comfort.
Our sorrow to bear.
Tis the thought.
It’s blossoming over there.
God has given us a great sorrow to bear. So we must take our cross and thank God it was not worse. And our baby is praying for us over there. Just a little flower fragrant with love. Just a little rose nipped in the bud.
November 7 About 3:30 p.m. Wilma was burned.
Died Saturday morning about 7 o’clock (from shock) was buried November 10 at 0 o’clock. So closes my baby’s history in this world (7 months 3 1/2 weeks old).
Edna’s Book
3 years 3 months
Dec 6 Is able to count some. Knows some money and the A & B. Is rather lonesome for Wilma. Plays more with her dolls. She sure had a scare when we found Wolma burning. She is afraid since. She won’t go alone in the bedroom, nor sleep alone. Is more cross and babyish.
Dec 27 Edna does not forget Wilma. She is learning, patches pillow tops and sews buttons on it. Knows the ABCDE & 1,2, also knows part of Two Little Kittens.
- John Anthony Moellers
son of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 27 Apr 1921 in Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 3 May 1945 at the age of 24, killed in action in Okinawa, Japan.
Find A Grave: Memorial #103783786 buried at Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Ossian, Winnishiek County, Iowa, USA.
Military: PFC 32 Infantry WWII-Pvt. First Class Medical Corps. Entry into service: June 8, 1943, killed in action May 3, 1945..
Johnny was born on the family farm near Ossian, Iowa. He was an active 4-H member and won many awards. He also won a scholarship to Iowa State College and studied to be a Veterinarian.
He enlisted in the Army Reserves in August 21 1942 and ordered to Active Duty May 31, 1943. On April 8, 1944 he graduated from veterinary Tech School Camp in Grant, Illinois. He graduated from the Technicians School Army Medical Center, Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, DC July 1, 1944.
John Anthony Moellers is an ancester I will follow.

- Clair William Moellers
son of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 23 Mar 1924 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.18
Died: 30 Mar 2002 at the age of 78 in Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Married: 1 Aug 1950 Dorothy Elizabeth Franzen at Saint Luke’s Catholic Church, Saint Lucas, Fayette County, Iowa, USA..
Find A Grave: Memorial #149166636 buried at Saint Mary’s Cemetery, Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Military: WWII US Army, 16 May 1943 to 26 Jul 1945.
Dorothy Elizabeth Franzen daughter of Joseph Hyde and Johanna (Baumler) Franzen.
Born: 8 Dec 1927 in Auburn Township, Fayette County, Iowa, USA.efn_note]Dorothy Elizabet Franzen Birth “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QK19-1K6K : 1 April 2020), Dorothy Elizabeth Franzen, 8 Dec 1927; citing Auburn Township, Fayette, Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,513,690.[/efn_note]
Died: 25 May 2008 at the age of 80 in Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA..
Find A Grave: Memorial #27189567 buried at Saint Mary’s Cemetery, Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.

Clair William Moellers Obituary 200219.
Services for Clair Moellers, 78, of Fort Atkinson, were Tuesday, April 2 at Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church in Festina with burial in the church cemetery.
Clair Moellers died Saturday, March 30 at Ossian Senior Hospice after a lengthy illness. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy; three sons, Joseph of Castalia, Gary of Ossian, and Daniel of Marshalltown; two daughters, Mary Quandahl of Ossian, Ruth Skrukrud of Anchorage, Alaska; 14 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; three brothers, Ralph of West Union, Arthur of Fayette, and Reginald of Ossian; two sisters, Edna Bengfort of Ossian and Helen Franzen of West Union.
He was preceded in death by a son, David; a grandson; a brother, John; and an infant sister, Wilma Moellers.
Military rites were conducted by Brockman-Hammersland Post 503.
Dorothy Elizabeth (Franzen) Moellers Obituary 200820
Dorothy E. Moellers (1927-2008)
FORT ATKINSON–Dorothy Elizabeth Moellers, 80, of rural Fort Atkinson, died Sunday, May 25, at Winneshiek Medical Center, Decorah.
She was born Dec. 8, 1927, on a farm near St. Lucas, daughter of Joseph H. and Johanna Baumler Franzen. On Aug. 1, 1950, she married Clair William Moellers at St. Luke’s Catholic Church, St. Lucas. He died in 2002.
Mrs. Moellers was a member of Our Lady of Seven Dolors Church and was a former president of the Ossian Senior Citizens.
Survived by: two daughters, Mary (Quentin) Quandahl of Ossian and Ruth Skrukrud of Anchorage, Alaska; three sons, Joseph (Monika) of Castalia, Gary (Judy) of Ossian and Dan (Janelle) of Marshalltown; 20 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; a brother, Eligius “Sam” Franzen of Fort Atkinson; and six sisters, Mary (Charles) Zook of Sioux City, Lou Schuler and Kathy Gorby, both of Waterloo, Eileen (Ken) Hill of Hudson, Marilyn (Dale) Bedard of Evansdale and Jane (Jim) Jones of Leon.
Preceded in death by: a son, David; two grandchildren; and a brother, Alvin.
Services: 1 p.m. Wednesday at Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church, Festina. Public visitation from 4 to 8 p.m. today at Festina Community Center, with a 4 p.m. parish vigil and a 4:30 p.m. rosary. Visitation also an hour before services Wednesday at the Center.
Clair William and Dorothy Elizabeth (Franzen) Moellers Children:
- David John Moellers
Born: 10 Jul 1951 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Died: 10 Jun 2000 at the age of 48 of Cancer, at home, Fort Atkinson, Winneshiek County Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #149166544 buried at Saint Marys Cemetery, Festina, Winneshiek County,Iowa, USA.
David John Moellers Obituary June 13, 200021
David J. Moellers, 48, died of cancer Saturday, June 10, 2000, in his home. Services: 11 a.m. today, Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church, Festina. Burial: church cemetery. Friends may call one hour before services at the Festina Parish Center. Arrangements are with Schmitz Funeral Home, Ossian.
Survivors include his parents, Clair and Dorothy; three brothers, Joseph of Castalia, Gary of Ossian and Daniel of Marshalltown; and two sisters, Mary Quandahl of Ossian and Ruth Skrukrud of Anchorage, Alaska.
- Joseph Clair Moellers married Kristine Kae Johnson.
- Gary Alvin Moellers married Cheryl Lee Elsberne.
- Mary Helen Moellers married Quentin Quandahl.
- Ruth Johanna Moellers married Robert Gale Skrukrud.
- Danial Lee Arthur Moellers married Janelle.
- Ralph Bernard Moellers
son of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 6 Jan 1927 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.22
Died: 31 Aug 2012 at the age of 85 in West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, USA.
Married: 16 Aug 1950 Theresa Mary Bohr at Saint Francis de Sales catholic Church, Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Find A Grave: Memorial #96423362 buried at Mount Calvary Cemetery, West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, USA.
Military: WWII US Army, Private First Class, from 15 Nov 1945 until Nov 1946..
Theresa Mary Bohr daughter of William Joseph and Hildegarde Bridget (Heying) Bohr.
Born: 6 Dec 1932 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA..
Died: 29 May 2019 at the age of 86 at the Ossian Senior Hospice in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA..
Find A Grave: Memorial #199564213 buried at Mount Calvary Cemetery, West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, USA.
Ralph Bernard Moellers is an ancestor I will follow.
- Arthur Francis Moellers
son of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Born: 5 Apr 1929 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.23
Died: 4 Jan 2020 at the age of 90 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, USA.
Married: 1956 Milred Genevieve Cottrell.
Find A Grave: Memorial #96423362 buried at Mount Calvary Cemetery, West Union, Fayette County, Iowa, USA.
Mildred Genevieve Cottrell daughter of Lester and Victoria Cottrell.
Arthur was very active in 4-H growing up and won many awards. He was a farmer in the Fayette area for many years and additionally was a Dairy Testing Supervisor. He was a long time member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Fayette where he served as an usher for many years. He was a talented gardener and enjoyed playing cards with family and friends. At the time of this post, I believe Mildred is still living.
Arthur Francis Moellers Obituary January 202024
Arthur Francis Moellers
April 5, 1929 – January 4, 2020
Arthur F. Moellers, 90, of Fayette died Saturday, January 4, 2020 at Ennoble Skilled Nursing and Rehab in Dubuque.
Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 AM Thursday, January 9, 2020, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Fayette with Rev. Don Komboh celebrating. Burial will follow at the church cemetery, rural Fayette. Visitation will be held from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM Wednesday, January 8th, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Fayette and for one hour preceding the mass on Thursday. There will be a rosary recited at 3:45 PM and a time for sharing memories at 6:30 PM., both on Wednesday at the church. Memorials may be made to the family for later designation.
Arthur Francis, son of John and Helen (Doerr) Moellers was born April 5, 1929, at the family’s home, rural Ossian. He was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Faith. Arthur was united in marriage with Mildred Cottrell. He was a farmer in the Fayette area for many years and additionally was a Dairy Testing Supervisor. Arthur was a long time faithful member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Fayette where he served as an usher for many years. He was a talented gardener and enjoyed playing cards with family and friends.
Arthur is survived by his wife of sixty three years, Mildred of Fayette; five children, Mayve (Jeff) Strong of Carrollton, Texas, Linda Shannon of Fayette, Lucas (Saranya) Moellers of Hutchinson, Minnesota, Chris (Carrie) Moellers of Firestone, Colorado, and Cathleen (Brian) Enabnit of Dubuque; twenty-one grandchildren; twenty-two great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; brother, Reginald (Nell) Moellers of Ossian; sister, Helen Franzen of West Union; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers, John, Clair, and Ralph Moellers; and two sisters, Edna Bengfort and Wilma Moellers who died in infancy.
Arthur Francis and Mildred Genevieve (Cottrell) Moellers Children:
- Mayve Ann Moellers married Jeffrey Lewis Strong.
- Linda Lee Moellers married Steve Raymond Shannon.
- Lucas Moellers married Esther Parler.
- Chris Michael Moellers married Carrie Charbonneau.
- Cathleen Mary Moellers married Brian Enabnit.
- Reginald “Reg” Joseph Moellers
son of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers
Married Nell Ruby Moody daughter of Chester Boyce Moody.
At the time of this post, Reg is still living. He is a US Air Force Veteran .
Reginald Joseph and Nell Ruby (Moody) Moellers Children:
- Judith Lynn Moellers married Gerald “Jerry” Alfred Busch.
- John Charles Moellers married Carol Tobin.
- Joel Patrick Moellers married Margie Lorraine Hackman.
- Janice Marie Moellers married Mark Myers.
- Jean Yvette Moellers
- Jennifer Kay Moellers
- James Boyce Moellers
- Helen Dorothy Magdalyn Moellers
daughter of John Bernard and Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers.
Married Leo Albert Franzen son of Michael and Clara Frances (Schmitt) Franzen.
At the time of this post Helen is still living. She has been instrumental in proving me with much of the family information. Thank You, Helen!
Leo Albert and Helen Dorothy Magdalyn (Moellers) Franzen Children:
- Michael “Mickey” Leo Franzen married Donna Mae Crain.
- Magdalena “Maggie” Clara Franzen married Dennis Ray O’Brien.
- Alan Albert Fanzen (dec’d) married Kim Kay King.
- Amy Marcella Franzen married Floyd Charles Hemesath.
- Brenda Ann Franzen (dec’d) married Monte Glen McDanel.
- Brian Arthur Franzen married Rose Marie Koch.
- Bruce Reginald Franzen married Debbie Jo Broughton.
- Lester LaVerne Franzen
- Laura Patricia Franzen married Reginald David Lubka.
- Carl Duane Franzen married Nicole Ann Smith.
- Karen Magdalen Franzen married 1st James S. Samuelson, married 2nd: Curt Myrah.
- Helena Mary Doerr Birth ”Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVCR-9VF : 1 April 2020), Helen Mary Doerr, 6 Feb 1891; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,656.
- John Bernard Moellers Birth “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVCR-JVD : 1 April 2020), John Bernard Moellers, 18 Jul 1887; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,026,656.
- 60th Anniversary-Mr & Mrs. John B. Moellers, Estherville Daily news, Estherville, Iowa, 14 Nov 1975, Fri, p3, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/56703394/60th-anniversary/ (Accessed 4 Aug 2020).
- John Moellers Death - Iowa Deaths, John Moellers, The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 18 May 1976, Tue, p3, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/56687538/iowa-deaths/ (Accessed 4 Aug 2020).
- Helen M. Moellers Obituary, The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 24 Apr 1988, Sun, p16, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/56702667/obituary-for-helen-mary-moellers-aged/ (Accessed 4 Åug 2020).
- “United States Census, 1920,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MDM1-WH9 : accessed 13 August 2020), John B Moellers, Military, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing ED 173, sheet 10A, line 33, family 8, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 519; FHL microfilm 1,820,519.
“United States Census, 1930,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XMKD-LMC : accessed 13 August 2020), John B Moellers, Military, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 26, sheet 2B, line 69, family 28, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 688; FHL microfilm 2,340,423.
- “United States Census, 1940,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KM1H-DSQ : 20 August 2019), John Maellers, Military Township, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 96-27, sheet 6A, line 12, family 74, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 1213.
“United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKCH-JTRL : 8 May 2020), John Bernard Moellers, 27 Apr 1942; citing NARA microfilm publication M1936, M1937, M1939, M1951, M1962, M1964, M1986, M2090, and M2097 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
- Edna Mary Catherine Moellers Birth “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTZ-SBW : 1 April 2020), Edna Mary Catherine Moellers, 10 Aug 1916; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418.
- Ervin Joseph Bengfort Birth “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XVX8-T6J : 1 April 2020), Ervin Joseph Bengfort, 14 Mar 1916; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418.
- Edna Moellers and John Bengfort Marry, The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Tuesday, October 12 1937, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/116585108/marriage-of-mocllcrs-bengfort/ (Accessed 16 Jan 2023).
- Thank You from Ervin Bengfort Family, Postville Herald, Postville, Iowa - 16 Aug 1961, page 9 retrieved from Newspaper.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/115525118/thank-you-from-ervin-bengfort-family/(Accessed 31 Dec 2022).
- Good Neighbors Help At Bengfort - Postville Herald, Postville, Iowa, 6 Sep 1961, page 1, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/2411922/bengfortedna-neemoellers-postvilleherald/ (Accessed 31 Dec 2022).
- Neighbors-The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 30 Nov 1961, Thu, Page 23 retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/116587631/neighbors-harvest-corn-crop/ (Accessed 16 Jan 2023).
- Edna Catherine (Moellers) Bengfort Obituary, The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 24 May 2007, Thu, Page 18, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/115513854/obituary-for-edna-catherine-ossian-bengf/ (Accessed 31 Dec 2022).
- Wilma Maria Moellers Death “Iowa, Death Records, 1904-1951,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QP24-XJ6Q : 18 October 2019), Wilma Maria Moellers, 8 Nov 1919, Iowa, United States; citing certificate #, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines; FamilySearch digital folder 102903009.
- Clair William Moellers Birth “Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KHTC-NMP : 1 April 2020), Clair William Moellers, 23 Mar 1924; citing Iowa, United States; county district courts, Iowa; FHL microfilm 1,477,418.
- retrieved from Find A Grave Memorial at https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149166636/clair-w-moellers (Acessed 18 Jan 2023)
- Dorothy E. Moellers Obituary, The Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, 27 May 2008, Tue, Page 6, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/41201925/obituary-for-dorothy-elizabeth-mocllcrs/ (Accessed 28 Dec 2019).
- David J. Moellers Obituary, The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 13 Jun 2000, Tue, Page 12, retrieved from Newspapers.com at https://www.newspapers.com/clip/35438600/david-j-moellers-obituary/ (Accessed 30 Aug 2019).
- Ralph Bernard Moellers Birth “Iowa, Birth Records, 1921-1942,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPZ5-PCHG : 30 October 2019), Ralph Bernard Moellers, 6 Jan 1927; citing Birth, Iowa, United States, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines.
- Arhur Francis Moellers Birth “Iowa, Birth Records, 1921-1942,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QP8H-WS14 : 30 October 2019), Arthur Francis Moellers, 5 Apr 1929; citing Birth, Winneshiek, Iowa, United States, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines.
- Arthur Francis Moellers Obituary "Arthur Francis Moellers" retrieved from Becker-Milnes & Rettig Funeral Services & Funeral Home website online at https://www.beckermilnesrettig.com/obituaries/Arthur-Francis-Moellers?obId=10400501#/obituaryInfo (Accessed 16 Jan 2020).