William and Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr Family

William “Bill” Doerr, son of Wilhelm Heinrich and Anna (Drufner) Doerr
born: 09 Dec 1855 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA
died: 11 Dec 1932 at the age of 77 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA after a 10 day bout of Pneumonia.
married: Marie Catherine “Katie” Untereiner on 13 Nov 1877 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
Marie Catherine “Katie” Untereiner, daughter of Jacques “Jacob” and Elisabeth (Bouillon) Untereiner
born: 07 Jan 1860 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
died: 26 Sep 1938 at the age of 78 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA at her home after an illness of nearly a year.
Both William and Katie are buried at St. Francis de Sales Cemetery, in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa. Find A Grave Memorials #103326189 and #103326143. There is a Doerr Family monument with 5 graves surrounding it: William, Catherine, Joseph S, Wilma and Clemens C. Their son William, who died on his 2nd birthday, is buried with his grandfather Wilhelm at St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Festina, Iowa.
William Doerr
William, who was also called Bill, was the only son of ten children. He was raised on the family farm in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa and learned the farming trade from his father.
He attended school at St. Mary’s Parochial school in Festina, Washington Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, about two miles from the home farm.
Based on the 1880 US Federal Census, I suspect that William and Katie lived in a separate house on his fathers home farm since he is listed on the census record just below his father on the census but in a separate dwelling. Shortly after that, at the age of 25, they purchased their own 120 acre farm in Section 33, according to stories and the 1886 Military Township Plat Map.1 About 1886, at the age of 30 he sold the property in section 33 and acquired about 180+ acres of his fathers home farm, his sister Helena and husband Joseph Imoehl acquired the remaining 110 acres of the home farm.

“William Doerr, son, was reared on the family homestead in Military Township and from his childhood he assisted with the work of the cultivation. At an early age he became thoroughly familiar with the best methods of cultivating the fields and caring for the stock and grain. When he was twenty-two years of age, he rented the property from his father and cultivated it for three years, after which he purchased on hundred and twenty acres in Section 33, Military Township, and turned his attention to its development and improvement. At the end of five years he disposed of this property and bought the homestead of one hundred and eighty acres. He engaged in general farming and stock raising and was very successful. Prosperity steadily attended his practical and well-directed labors.
Jacques and Elisabeth (Bouillon) Untereiner, natives of France, came to America in 1852 and settled in Winneshiek County, Iowa, where Jacques followed the blacksmith’s trade. Later he engaged in farming in Washington Township.
On the 13th of November, 1877, William Doerr married Marie Catherine Untereiner. She was the daughter of Jacques and Elisabeth (Bouillon) Untereiner.
William and Marie Catherine became the parents of nine children as follows: William and Clemence, deceased as children; Julie, wife of Bernard Einck; Theodore; Catherine, wife of Antone Einck, New Hampton; Joseph; Helen, wife of John Moellers; John, of Decorah; and Wilhelmina.
William and Marie Catherine Doerr were members of the Roman Catholic Church and, politically, William Doerr gave his allegiance to the Democratic Party. The cause of education found him a staunch supporter and an ardent champion for the twenty years he was a member of the school board. he accomplished a great deal of constructive and capable work during that time. Fraternally, he was connected with the Order of Foresters but beyond this he had no other affiliations. he preferred to concentrate his attention to the development of his farm. His business interests were all capably conducted which gave him a gratifying measure of prosperity.”
In the Past and Present of Winneshiek County, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, By Edwin C. Bailey, published in 1913, the following is the section regarding William Doerr: 2“Many of the finest farms in Winneshiek county at the present time are owned and operated by the sons of the pioneers in this part of Iowa, who in their development and further improvement of the old family homesteads are ably carrying forward the work begun by their fathers in early times. To this class belongs William Doerr who is carrying on general farming and stock-raising on a fine property of one hundred and eighty acres on section 18, Military township, constituting the farm upon which he was born and reared.
His birth occurred on the 9th of December 1855, his parents being William and Annie (Drufner) Doerr, natives of Germany. The father came to America when he was about eighteen years of age and settled in Pennsylvania, where he remained seven or eight years before removing to Winneshiek county, Iowa, where he purchased land. His entire active life was devoted to agricultural pursuits and he gradually attained a position of prominence and importance in farming circles of Military township where he made his home until his death on the 17th of September 1886. As a progressive and public-spirited citizen, he took an active part in local affairs and held various important official positions including that of school director. His wife survived him some time, dying in 1909. To them were born ten children: Helen, the wife of Joseph Emil of Calmar, Iowa; Elizabeth and Mary, deceased; William of this review; Annie, Caroline, Julia and Rosalie, who have passed away; Catherine, a nun in a convent at La Crosse, Wisconsin; and a daughter who died in infancy.
William Doerr was reared upon the family homestead in Military township and from his childhood assisted with the work of its cultivation, becoming at an early age thoroughly familiar with the best methods of cultivating the fields and caring for the stock and grain. When he was twenty-two years of age, he rented the property from his father and cultivated it for three years, after which he purchased one hundred and twenty acres on section 33, Military township, and turned his attention to its development and improvement. At the end of five years he disposed of this property and bought the old homestead of one hundred and eighty acres, which he still owns. He engages in general farming and stock-raising and has been very successful, prosperity steadily attending his practical and well directed labors.
On the 13th of November 1877, Mr. Doerr was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Untereiner, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Bouillon) Untereiner, natives of France. They came to America in 1852 and settled in Winneshiek county, Iowa, where at first the father followed the blacksmith’s trade, engaging later in farming in Washington township. Mr. and Mrs. Doerr have become the parents of nine children: William, deceased; Julia, the wife of Bernard Einck; Theodore, who resides in Winneshiek county; Catherine, the wife of Antone Einck of Charles City, Iowa; Joseph, who lives at home; Helen and John, who are also at home; Clemence, deceased; and Wilhelmina, at home.
The family are members of the Roman Catholic church, and politically Mr. Doerr gives his allegiance to the democratic party. The cause of education finds in him a stanch supporter and an ardent champion and for twenty years he has been a member of the school board, accomplishing during that time a great deal of constructive and capable work. Fraternally he is connected with the Order of Foresters but beyond this has no affiliations of this character. He prefers rather to concentrate his attention upon the development of his farm, and his business interests are all capably conducted, bringing him a gratifying measure of prosperity.”
Note that the home farm was about 300 acres until about 1886 when it was split between William and his sister Helena who was married to Joseph Imoehl. Although too young to participate in the Civil War and into his sixties by World War I, William was appointed by The Iowa state governor, W. L. Harding, an official representative of the State and Federal Governments for Winneshiek County. He was delegated to serve in all food production activities necessary to the successful prosecution of the war by the United States Government and its Allies for Winneshiek County, certificate dated 31 August 1918.3Catherine "Katie Untereiner Doerr
Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr (affectionately called Katie) was born January 7, 1860 most likely at her family’s Home Farm in Washington Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, just a couple of miles southwest of Festina and died September 26, 1938 at the age of 78 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa. She was the daughter of Jacques “Jacob” and Elisabeth (Buillion) Untereiner, immigrants from La Petite, Pierre, France, who immigrated in 1853.
Many webgens and stories circulated state her family owned the farm in Section 18 of Military Township, but this is not true. That property was owned by the Doerr Family, where she would settle and raise her family with William Doerr. Her father and mother owned acreage in Washington Township in Section 28. Washington Township is located just west of Military Township.

The Jacob Untereiner Farm was located a few miles southeast of Fort Atkinson and a couple of miles southwest of Festina. The 1886 Washington Township Plat Map (see below) shows her father Jacob owning about 160 acres in Section 28 of Washington Township. J Unteriner is also showing as owning 20 acres in section 3 of Auburn Township, Fayette County, Iowa Plat Map for 1879. Auburn Township is just south of Washington Township, but is located in Fayette County, Iowa.
I would speculate that Katie grew up in Washington Township and attended St. Mary’s Church and possibly the parochial school, where it’s likely William and Catherine met.

William and Catherine Doerr Social Life
The Doerr home farm is about 2 miles from Festina, Iowa, which is in Washtington Township and about 3 miles from Ossian, in Military Township and where their Post Office was located.
The family was connected to St. Mary’s Church in Festina, where I suspect Catherine and William met during their younger years and where their social network was likely established.
Later on, as Ossian grew and newspapers established there and where their post office was located they probably spent some of their time in Ossian. This is where they built their retirement home and moved to on September 9, 1930. At some point, they probably began attending St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church and St. Francis de Sales Catholic Cemetery is where they are buried.

William and Catherine would lose three of their children during their lifetime and five during Catherines lifetime:
- August 22, 1880 they lost their son, William on his 2nd birthday
- March 18, 1899 they lost their son Clemence at 2 years, 3 months old
- November 29th, 1918 they lost their daughter Wilma at the age of 18
After Williams death, Catherine lost two more children:
- March 22, 1935 she lot her daughter Julia, age 53
- August 21, 1936 she lost her son Joseph, age 47
William and Catherine Doerr 50th Anniversary
On November 13 1927, William and Catherine celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the farm of their daughter and son-in-law, John and Helena (Doerr) Moellers.

The above picture was taken at William and Catherine Doerr’s 50th wedding anniversary celebration at the farm of John Moellers in Winneshiek County, Iowa.
Names of those in the photo:
1st row: John Moellers, Jr; Ardis Einck; Ila Einck; Frederick Einck; Donald Einck; Edna Moellers; Clair Moellers; Maurice Doerr; Luke Erwin Doerr (my father); Jerome Einck; William Doerr.
2nd row: Amanda Schultz; Elizabeth Meyer Miller; Irene Einck; Amelia Espeseth (Gina’s sister); Anna Doerr holding LeRoy Doerr (my grandmother and Uncle LeRoy); Cornelia Espeseth (Gina’s mother); Helen Moeller holding Ralph Moeller; Gina Espeseth Doerr holding Arlawayne Doerr; Catherine Einck holding Helen Einck; John Doerr holding Dorisgene Doerr; Mrs. August Meyer; Ben Einck; Julie Einck; Gilbert Torgenson (John Doerr’s friend); Catherine Doerr (my great grandmother), Henry Schultz holding Geneva Schultz; William Doerr (my great grandfather); A.J. Einck; August Meyer; John Moeller; Ted Doerr (my grandfather); Henry Miller.
William Doerr Obituary
William Doerr Passed Away Sunday Morning AFter Ten Day Illness 4
Last rites for William Doerr were held Tuesday morning, Dec. 13, in St. Francis church. Very Rev. (?) Thiltgen D.D., offering up the (unreadable) mass interment was made in the parish cemetery.
The pallbearers were William Britton, Barney Holtey, Bernard Bushman, John Hageman, Henry Miller and A. F. Dessel.
William Doerr was born on the homestead, four miles west of Ossian, December 9, 1855. His parents were William and Annie Drufner-Doerr, natives of Germany. He attended the parochial school in Festina and from childhood assisted with the work on the farm. At the age of twenty-two years he rented the farm from his father and cultivated it for three years, after which he purchased 120 acres in Military township [section 33], and turned his attention to its development and improvement. Five years later he disposed of his property and bought the old homestead of 180 acres, which he later sold and lived retired.
November 13, 1877, he was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Untereiner, the late Rev. Father August Sauter performing the ceremony in St. Mary’s church in Festina. To them were born nine children: William, deceased; Julia, the wife of Bernard Einck, Castalia; Theodore, Britt, Iowa; Catherine, the wife of Anton Einck, New Hampton; Joseph, Ossian; Helen, the wife of John Moellers, Ossian; John Decorah; Clemence and Wilhelmina, deceased.
During the summer of 1930 Mr. Doerr built a new home in Ossian and on Sept. 9th of the same year he and Mrs. Doerr Moved to town to enjoy a well-earned rest. About two weeks ago he suffered an attack of pneumonia and passed away early Sunday morning, December 11, 1932, running the journey of life in 77 years.
Beside his widow and children his death is mourned by 29 grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and one sister: Sister M. Columa of St. Rose Convent, LaCrosse, Wis. Nine sisters preceded him in death.
Mr. Doerr was a member of the Catholic church and fraternally he was connected with the Catholic Order of Foresters. For twenty years he served as a member of the rural school board and in this capacity did capable work. He was a man of modest and retiring esteem of his fellow citizens.
Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were Theodore Doerr, Britt; Mrs. Tony Einck and daughter Vera, New Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr and daughters Doris Gene [Dorisgene] and Arlawayne Decorah; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Waucoma; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lechtenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imoehl, Mary Reifenrath, Festina.
Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr Obituary
Mrs. Catherine Doerr Died Here Monday After Illness Of Nearly Year 5
Funeral Services Will be Held Today (Thursday); The Rev. R. A. Schares Will Officiate.
Mrs. Catherine Doerr, 78, passed away at her home here Monday, September 26, 1938, after an illness of nearly a year. She was born January 7, 1860, near Old Mission, the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Bouillon-Untereiner.
Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at St. Francis church with the Rev. Roman A. Schares officiating. The pallbearers will be her grandsons.
Catherine Untereiner and William Doerr wereunited in marriage on November 13, 1877, at Festina, Ia., and this union was blessed with nine children, namely: William deceased; Julia, Mrs. Ben Einck, deceased; Theodore, Britt, Ia.; Katherine, Mrs. A. J. Einck, New Hampton; Joseph, deceased; Helen, rs. J. B. Moellers, Ossian; John, Decorah; Clemens, deceased; and Wilma, deceased.
Following their marriage, they lived on a farm west of Ossian until 1930, when they moved to town to spend their remaining days in retirement. Mr. Doerr passed away in 1932.
Besides her children, she is survived by one brother, E. M Untereiner of Damock, S. D., and one sister, Mrs. August Meyer of Waucoma, thirty-two grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
She was a member of St. Francis parish and of the Mother Society.

William and Catherine Doerr Census Records
Census records can be a great resource for genealogy research. It’s important to note however that the information collected may have been provided by any of the household members and sometimes even a neighbor. Especially in the early days, our ancestors had strong accents, so the information was up to the census taker for interpretation. Spelling was often written phonetically and the handwriting sometimes difficult to transcribe.
1880 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Page No. 7, Supervisor’s District No. 2, Enumeration District No. 352, enumerated on First day of June, 1880. Household No. 53, Dwelling No. 53.
- William Doerr Jr, age: 24, married, Farmer, birthplace: Iowa, fathers birthplace: Duc of Hessen, mothers birthplace: Wurttemburg.
- Catherine, age: 22, wife, Keeping House, birthplace: Iowa, fathers birthplace: Prussia, mothers birthplace: Prussia
William, age 1, son, birthplace: Iowa
1885 Iowa State Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa.
- William Doerr Jr, section 33, age: 29, Farmer
- Catherine Doerr, age: 25
- Julia Doerr, age: 3
- Theodore Doerr, age: 0
1895 Iowa State Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Dwelling No.36, Family No. 38.
- William Doerr, age: 39, married, birthplace: Winneshiek, Iowa,
- Cathrine Doerr, age: 35, married
- Julia Doerr, age: 18
- Theodore Doerr, age: 11
- Cathrine Doerr, age: 7
1900 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Supervisor’s District No. 77, Enumeration District No. 138, Sheet No. 9-10, enumerated on 14 June 1900. Dwelling No. 192, Family No. 199.
- William Doerr, head, birth month/year: December 1855, age: 44, married 22 years, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: Germany, Farmer, can read, write and speak english, owned farm, free of mortgage.
- Catherine Doerr, wife, birth month/year: Jan 1860, age: 40, married 22 years, children born: 8, children living: 6, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: France, can read, write and speak english.
- Julia M Doerr, daughter, birth month/year: Nov 1882, age: 17, single, birthplace: Iowa, can read, write and speak english.
- Theodore P Doerr, son, birth month/year: Jan 1884, age: 16, birthplace: Iowa, at school, can read, write and speak english.
- Katie E Doerr, daughter, birth month/year: July 1887, age: 12, birthplace: Iowa, at school, can read, write and speak english.
- Joseph S Doerr, son, birth month/year: Nov 1888, age: 11, birthplace: Iowa, at school, can read, write and speak english.
- Helena M Doerr, daughter, birth month/year: February 1891, age 9, birthplace: Iowa, at school.
- John I. B. Doerr, son, birth month/year: August 1893, age: 6, birthplace: Iowa, at school
1910 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Supervisor’s District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 161, Sheet No. 16, enumerated on 7 Day of May, 1910. Dwelling No.314 Family No.317.
- William Doerr, head, age: 54, married 32 years, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: Germany, occupation: Farmer, Industry: General Farm, On own account, can read and write, Own Farm, Mortgaged
- Katherine Doerr, wife, age: 50, married 32 years, number of children born: 9, number of children living: 7, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: Germany, can read and write.
- Joseph Doerr, son, age: 21, single, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: Farm, wage earner, can read and write.
- Lena [Helena] Doerr, daughter, age: 19, single, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: Home Farm, wage earner, can read and write.
- John Doerr, son, age: 16, single, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Laborer, industry: Home Farm, wage earner, can read and write.
- Wilhelmina Doerr, daughter, age: 9, birthplace: Iowa, can read and write, attending school.
1915 Iowa State Census, Military Township, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA, P.O.: Ossian, Church affiliation: Catholic. Note: this census was captured on cards, one for each person.
- William Doerr, card no. 132, married, Can read and write, Years in Iowa: 59, education, grammar 5, birthplace,: Iowa, Owns his own home, Incumbrance on farm or house: $1,100, Value of farm or home: $18,000, parents birthplace: Germany.
- Catherine Doerr, card no. 133, married, can red and write, years in Iowa: 55, age: 55, extent of education grammar: 5, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: France.
- Joe Doerr, card no. 134, single, can read and write, years in Iowa: 26, age: 26, occupation: Farming, Total earnings for 1914: $1200, Extent of Education, grammar: 7, birthplace: Iowa.
- John Doerr, card no. 136, single, can read and write, years in Iowa: 23, age: 23, occupation: Cook, earnings for 1914: $200, extent of education: grammar: 2, birthplace: Iowa.
- Wilhelmina Doerr, card No. 138, can read and write, years in Iowa: 14 [part of card is cut off, assume age is 14, education: common: 3, grammar: 2, birthplace: Iowa.
1905 Iowa State Census, Military Township, Iowa. Post Office address: Ossian, Iowa
- William Doerr
- Catherine Doerr
- Cathrine E Doerr
- Joseph Doerr
- Helena Doerr
- John Doerr
- Wilhelmine Doerr
1920 US Federal Census Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Supervisor’s District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 173, sheet No. 12 B. Enumerated on 27th day of January 1920. Dwelling No 55, Family No. 55.
- John E Doerr, Head, Renting, age: 26, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa. Occupation Farmer, Industry: General Farm, on own account.
- Gina, wife, age: 24, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, fathers birthplace: Norway, mothers birthplace: iowa.
- William Doerr, father, age: 63, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: Germany, occupation: none
- Catherine, mother, age: 59, married, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, parents birthplace: France
1930 US Federal Census, Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Enumeration District No. 96-26, Supervisor’s District No. 3, Sheet No. 2B, Enumerated on April 22-23, 1930. Dwelling No. 28, House No 28.
- John B. Moellers, Head, Owned, Radio: Yes, age: 42, married, age at first marriage: 28, can read and write, birthplace: Iowa, occupation: Farmer, on own account, veteran: no.
- Helen M Moellers, wife, age: 39, married, age at first marriage: 24, can read and write, birthplace; Iowa.
- Edna C Moellers, daughter, age: 13
- John A. Moellers, son, age: 8
- Clair W. Moellers, son, age: 6
- Ralph B Moellers, son, age: 3 1/2
- Arthur F. Moellers, son, age: under 1
- William Dover [Doerr], Father in law, age: 74, age at first marriage: 23, occupation: none
- Catherine Dover [Doerr], mother in law, age: 70, age at first marriage: 17
William and Catherine (Untereiner) Doerr Children

The above photo was taken about 1912 to 1915 (Wilma died in 1918 at the age of 18, so i’m guessing here.) Missing is Theodore, who was living out of the area at the time.

- William Jacob Doerr son of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 22 Aug 1878 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 22 Aug 1880 on his 2nd birthday, in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
– - Juliana Emelia Mary Doerr daughter of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 06 Nov 1881 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 22 Mar 1935 at the age of 53 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She married Bernard Joseph Einck son of Bernhard Heinrich “Henry” Einck and Elisabeth (Lechtenberg) Einck, on 20 Oct 1903 in Ossian, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA. He was born on 21 Aug 1879 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 17 Aug 1971 at the age of 91 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. Juliana Emelia Mary Doerr is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Theodore Peter “Ted” “T.P.” Doerr son of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 31 Jan 1884 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 12 Apr 1968 at the age of 84 in Sonoma, Sonoma County, California, USA. He laid down to take a nap and never woke up. He married Anna Marie Kappes on 26 Nov 1912 in St Lucas, Fayette County, Iowa, USA. She was born on 03 Dec 1893 in St. Lucas, Fayette County, Iowa, USA. She died on 01 Apr 1965 at the age of 71 of a heart attack in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA. Theodore Peter Doerr is my paternal grandfather and an ancestor I have followed.
– - Elizabeth Mary Katherine “Katie” Doerr daughter of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 14 Jul 1887 in Ossian, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA. She died on 07 Apr 1961 at the age of 73 in New Hampton, Chickasa County, Iowa, USA. She married Anthony “Tony” John Einck son of Bernhard Heinrich “Henry” Einck and Elisabeth (Lechtenberg) Einck, on 04 Feb 1913 in Ossian, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA. He was born on 17 Feb 1884 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 30 Dec 1962 at the age of 78 in New Hampton, Chickasaw County, Iowa, USA. Elizabeth Mary Katherine Doerr is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Joseph Sylvester Doerr son of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner} Doerr, was born on 26 Nov 1888 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, Iowa. He died on 21 Aug 1936 at the age of 47 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. (By suicide, hung from the hay chute in the hayloft). He married Theresa M. Schlichte, daughter of Barney and Rosa Katherine (Foreman) Schlichte. She was born on 15 Oct 1895 in Iowa, USA. She died on 09 Mar 1970 at the age of 74 in Iowa, USA. She 2nd married Irving Burnside. Joseph Sylvester Doerr is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Helena Mary Doerr daughter of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 06 Feb 1891 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 22 Apr 1988 at the age of 97 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She married John Bernard Moellers son of Bernard “Barney” Moellers and Mary Anna (Kleve) Moellers, on 10 Nov 1915 in Winneshiek, Iowa, USA. He was born 18 Jul 1887 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died 16 May 1976 at the age of 88 in Ossian, Winneshiek county, Iowa, USA. Helena Mary (Doerr) Moellers is an ancestor I have followed.
– - John Emil Bernard Doerr son of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 08 Aug 1893 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 07 Jul 1974 at the age of 80 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He married Gina Espeseth daughter of Claus and Cornelia (Genild) Espesath. She was born on 26 Mar 1896 in Ridgeway, Winneshiek County, Iowa. She died in Dec 1980 at the age of 84 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.. John Emil Bernard Doerr is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Clemence Christian Doerr son of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 15 Dec 1896 in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 18 Mar 1899 at the age of 2 years and 3 months in Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
– - Wilhelmina “Wilma” Mary Henrietta Doerr daughter of William Doerr and Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr, was born on 19 Jul 1900 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 29 Nov 1918 at the age of 18 during the 1918 Flu Pandemic of pneumonia, in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. Joseph
- 1886 Military Township Plat Map. Plat book of Winneshiek County, iowa, 1886. Warner & Foote’s 1886 Plat book of Winneshiek County, Iowa. The university of Iowa Libraries, Iowa digital Library. Plat of Military Township 96, North. Range 8West of the Fifth Principal Meridian. Winneshiek Co. Iowa. (http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/atlases/id/2420/rec/2, Accessed 20 Jun 2019).
- Bailey, Edwin C., Past and Present of Winneshiek county, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Orgnization, Progress and Achievement. Chicago, the S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1913. Vol II p458
- Certificate from Governor W.L.Harding, Commonwealth of Iowa, No. 47.128, 31 Aug 1918. Photocopy of document in possession of author.
- William Doerr Obituary “William Doerr Passed Away Sunday Morning”, Newspaper clipping, newspaper unknown but might be the Ossian Bee, dated within a few days after 13 Dec 1932. Photocopy of clipping in the possession of author.
- Marie Catherine “Katie” (Untereiner) Doerr Obituary “Mrs. Catherine Doerr Died Here Monday After Illness of nearly Year”, newspaper clipping from unknown newspaper, but most likely the Ossian Bee, 29 Sep 1938. Copy of clipping in possession of author.
- 1915 Military Township Plat Map. Atlas and Farmers’ Directory of Winneshiek County, Iowa, 1915. Webb Publishing Co., 1915 Winneshiek County, Plat Maps, Directories, Title pages and Indexes. Retrieved from The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Digital Library at http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/atlases/id/12111/rec/13 (Accessed 27 Jun 2019).
- 1930 Military Township Plat Map, Plat Book of Winneshiek County, Iowa, 1930. winneshiek County, Iowa, containing a map of the county and township. W. W. Hixson & co.’s 1930 plat book of Winneshiek County,Iowa. Retrieved from The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Digital Library online at (http://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/cdm/ref/collection/hixson/id/1809, (Accessed 4 Jul 2019).