Wilhelm and Anna (Drufner) Dörr / Doerr Family
This post shows Wilhelm and Anna Doerr children. See the last post on Wilhelm Heinrich and Anna (Drufner) Doerr for their stories.

Wilhelm Heinrich Dörr, son of Johann Adam Dörr and Maria Nahrgang Dörr
- born: 28 May 1827 in Niederklein, Kirchhain, Upper Hesse, German Confederation.
- died: 17 Sep 1886 at the age of 58 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA (at the age of 59
- married: Mary Ann “Anna” Drufner on 02 Jun 1850 in Philadelphia, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA
Mary Ann “Anna” Drufner, daughter of Johanna Drufner, father unknown
- born: 26 Jul 1826 in Würtenburg, Roghwil, German Confederation
- died: on 23 Feb 1908 at the age of 81 in La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA

The spelling of the surname changed over time from Dörr to Derr to Dorr and then finally Doerr.
Wilhelm Doerr is buried in Festina at St. Mary’s – Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church Cemetery. Find A Grave Memorial #21321780.
In her final years, Anna (Drufner) Doerr moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin, and became a resident of St. Francis Hospital where she died in 1908 at the age of 82 years. She is buried at the Catholic Cemetery of La Crosse in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Find A Grave Memorial #11316578.
Wilhelm Doerr's Real Age
All of the family records and even his tombstone shows that Wilhelm was born in 1828. He is listed as 18 on the passenger list of the Ship Johann Conrad that arrived in New York on May 30th, 1848, just two days after his birthday. If his age was 18 when the ship sailed, his birth year would be 1827. If when he arrived it would be 1828.
Thanks to Harald Dörr, who currently resides in Niederklein, I was able to obtain a copy of the pages where his birth was recorded from the church. This was clearly recorded under the year “Anno” 1827 and I have a copy of the full page in my possession.

Wilhelm and Anna (Drufner) Doerr Children
- Helena Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr was born on 29 Apr 1851 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 08 Feb 1932 at the age of 80 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She married Joseph Imoehl, son of John and Anna Maria (Dessel) Imoehl, on 26 May 1871 in Winneshiek County, Iowa. He was born on 19 Mar 1843 in Eppe, Waldeck, Hesse-Cassel, German Confederation. He died on 25 Apr 1934 at the age of 91 in Festina, Winneshiek County, USA. This is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Elisabeth Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr was born on 10 Nov 1852 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA50. She died on 23 Mar 1863 at the age of 10 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
– - Mary Ann Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr was born on 21 Mar 1854 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1855 at the age of 19 months in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
– - William Doerr Jr. son of Wilhelm Heinrich Dörr and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr and my great-grandfather. He was born on 09 Dec 1855 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 11 Dec 1932 at the age of 78 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He married Marie Catherin Untereiner, daughter of Jacob and Elisabeth (Bouillon) Untereiner, on 13 Nov 1877 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She was born on 07 Jan 1860 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, US. She died on 26 Sep 1938 at the age of 78 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. William was my great-grandfather and an ancestor I have followed.
– - Anna Mary Doerr AKA “Sister Sebastian” daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr was born on 13 Jun 1859 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 26 Jun 1890 at the age of 31 in St. Paul, Lee County, Iowa, USA.-
Sister Sebastian Doerr, Anna Mary Doerr
I assume the following was written by one of the Sisters for the family:
Sister Sebastian Dorr (Doerr) (died June 26, 1890)
On June 27, 1890, on the first day of the spiritual exercises, after 11 o’clock a.m. came a dispatch with the message: “sister Sebastian at St. Paul died suddenly last night at 10 o’clock.” This information was a great surprise to Rev. Mother and the sisters for no one heard of anything of sister’s illness. During the great heat prevalent at the time, it was surmised that she was overheated or that a sunstroke which brought on the death.
Sisters Bernardine, Angeline, and Sebastian were together on the mission at St. Paul, Iowa. Sister did her work that day the same as usual without a sign of discomfort. She was reader at the evening meal; her appetite was good. After the meal the two sisters went into the garden while Sister Sebastian was busy in the kitchen. When it grew dark and the evening prayer bell did not ring, Sister Bernardine went into the house to see what time it was or to find out the reason why Sister did not ring the bell. She was frightened when she saw Sister lying on the floor.
Upon her call Sister Angeline came in. They lifted sister onto a chair surmising she had fainted and did everything possible for her. She began to breathe more heavily; however, she did not regain consciousness. Then they carried her into the next room, laid her down and hurried to call the priest; in the meantime, she died. When Rev. Father Wisland arrived, there was no sign of life any more. Because of the great heat, Father could no longer be detained.
The burial took place on Saturday. June 28th. We surmise sister died of a heart attack.
Sister Sebastian was the “blood sister” of Sister Columba Dorr. Her home was in Festina, Iowa. When sister Columba was a novice her Sister Anna came to LaCrosse [Wisconsin] to visit her. This visit and the quiet atmosphere of the convent impressed her so deeply that she formed the resolve likewise to stay in the convent and be the Spouse of the Most High. After pondering over her choice, she did not go back home, but briefly informed her parents of her entrance into the convent. Her father was much opposed to her step. He came to lacrosse to take her away, but good Anna held fast to her newly-chosen status and would not allow herself to be dissuaded.
When preparation for her clothing were in progress, she was kept back, because of her father’s unwillingness. Magnanimously she overcame all difficulties from the side of the world and of her father until she was finally left in peace.
So then on August 2, 1883, a year later, she was clothed, professed on August 5, 1885 and renewed vows for 7 years August 1, 1888. As long as she was in the convent, she had no definite illness, but she was strong and healthy and generally performed household duties. She was the house sister on a few missions, a few years at the Orphanage of Sparta. From there she was transferred on August 1, 1889 to St. Paul, Iowa, and there died unexpectedly but certainly not unpreparedly. She was 31 years old.
- Catherine Caroline Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Dörr) was born on 21 Aug 1861 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died before 1867 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA .
– - Julia Pauline Doerr (daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich Dörr and Mary Ann “Anna” Drufner Doerr was born on 23 Apr 1863 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 02 Apr 1885 at the age of 21 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA She married Theodore Uhlenhake Sr., son of Ferdinand and Katharina (Haag) Uhlenhake, on 17 May 1881 in Festina, Winnesheik, Iowa. He was born on 09 Jun 1853 in Festina, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. He died on 20 Oct 1899 at the age of 46 in Ossian, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. This is an ancestor I have followed.
– - Rosalie Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr was born on 07 Apr 1865 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 02 Jun 1866 at the age of 14 months in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA.
– - Catherine Mary Doerr AKA “Sister Columba” daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Dörr) was born on 23 Mar 1867 in Military Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA. She died on 17 Dec 1941 AT THE AGE OF 74 in LaCrosse , La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA.
–The following story was passed down through the family, source unknown, but assume it was written by one of the Sisters at the Convent:
Sister Columba
Catherine Doerr, the youngest of ten children, nine girls and one boy, was born in Festina, Iowa on March 23, 1867, and was made a child of God two days later by the Rev. Conrad Schulte [baptized].
Catherine grew up a strong and healthy girl. At the age of six she started school in Festina taught by the Franciscan Sisters of Lacrosse. When she was twelve years old she received her first Holy Communion but was not confirmed until after her entrance into the Convent.
Her desire to enter the Convent was fulfilled on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 1880, when Catherine was only thirteen years old. On August 2, 1881 she was admitted to the Novitiate under the name of Sister M. Columba.
Sister Columba was a zealous teacher and labored in Muscatine, St. Michael’s, Sparta, Waumander, Odanah, Trinity, Sherrill, etc. She was well liked. However, Rev. Mother, recognizing her ability in management appointed her superior of the farm home at St. Joseph’s Ridge. She worked here for years alternating the superior ship a number of times with Sister Adriana. Her love for animals was a characteristic trait and whenever Sister Columba was one sure to find a number of faithful companions among the animals.
About six years ago Sister Columba was transferred to Aparta where she helped with the general work. For years, it was learned she had been suffering but she never gave up until four weeks ago she was brought to St. Francis Hospital as a patient. Even during these last weeks, she was most edifying, attending chapel services almost to the last. Her distended abdomen indicated cancer. Her kidney too failed to function. At 1:45 on Dec. 17 [1941] she was anointed and two and one-half hours later she went to meet her judge.
Name: Sister M. Columba (Catherine) Doerr
Register No. 145
Date of Birth: March 23 1867
Birthplace: Festina, Iowa
Date of Baptism: March 25, 1867
Where: Festina
Date of Confirmation: 1880
From where: Festina, Iowa
Date of Entrance into Novitiate: August 2, 1881
Education at time of Entrance: Sixth Grade
Date of Profession: August 2, 1883
Date of Final Vows: July 13, 1893
Principal Occupation: House work, Teaching, All around work.
Place of Occupation: outside of Motherhouse and number of years in each place up to the time of the Final Vows:
Muscatine, Iowa – 4 years
St. Michael’s Orphanage, La Crosse – 1 year
Waumandee, Wisconsin – 2 years
Sparta, Wisconsin – 2 years
Odanah, Wisconsin – 2 years
Date of Death: December 17, 1941, at St. Francis hospital, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, after weeks and months of patient suffering from cancer, it is believed, and from kidney trouble. Sister Columba was buried from the Convent Chapel on December 20, 1941. Her death was most beautiful, occurring just a few hours after she had received Extreme unction. May her soul rest in peace!Name of Father: William Doerr Birthplace: Germany
Name of Mother: Anna Drufner Birthplace: Germany
Tenth of ten children [note: this would imply that the 10th child listed below may have been born prior to Catherine.]
– - Unknown Doerr daughter of Wilhelm Heinrich and Mary Ann “Anna” (Drufner) Doerr, their 10th child died in infancy.